Chinese Text Project |
《蒹葭 - Jian Jia》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《蒹葭》 Library Resources |
1 | 蒹葭: |
蒹葭蒼蒼、白露為霜。 所謂伊人、在水一方。 遡洄從之、道阻且長。 遡遊從之、宛在水中央。 |
Jian Jia: |
The reeds and rushes are deeply green, And the white dew is turned into hoarfrost. The man of whom I think, Is somewhere about the water. I go up the stream in quest of him, But the way is difficult and long. I go down the stream in quest of him, And lo! he is right in the midst of the water. | |
2 | 蒹葭: |
蒹葭淒淒、白露未晞。 所謂伊人、在水之湄。 遡洄從之、道阻且躋。 遡遊從之、宛在水中坻。 |
Jian Jia: |
The reeds and rushes are luxuriant, And the white dew is not yet dry. The man of whom I think, Is on the margin of the water. I go up the stream in quest of him, But the way is difficult and steep. I go down the stream in quest of him, And lo! he is on the islet in the midst of the water. | |
3 | 蒹葭: |
蒹葭采采、白露未已。 所謂伊人、在水之涘。 遡洄從之、道阻且右。 遡遊從之、宛在水中沚。 |
Jian Jia: |
The reeds and rushes are abundant, And the white dew is not yet ceased. The man of whom I think, Is on the bank of the river. I go up the stream in quest of him, But the way is difficult and turns to the right. I go down the stream in quest of him, And lo! he is on the island in the midst of the water. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/jian-jia