中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
《權輿》 | 英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 電子圖書館 |
1 | 權輿: |
於我乎、夏屋渠渠、今也每食無餘。 于嗟乎、不承權輿。 |
Quan Yu: |
He assigned us a house large and spacious; But now at every meal there is nothing left. Alas that he could not continue as he began! | |
2 | 權輿: |
於我乎、每食四簋、今也每食不飽。 于嗟乎、不承權輿。 |
Quan Yu: |
He assigned us at every meal four dishes of grain; But now at every meal we do not get our fill. Alas that he could not continue as he began! |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/quan-yu