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Scope: Shi Jiu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "淑人君子其儀不忒" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《鳲鳩 - Shi Jiu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《鳲鳩》 Library Resources
1 鳲鳩:
Shi Jiu:
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree,
And her young ones are seven.
The virtuous man, the princely one,
Is uniformly correct in his deportment.
He is uniformly correct in his deportment,
His heart is as if it were tied to what is correct.

2 鳲鳩:
Shi Jiu:
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree,
And her young ones are in the plum tree.
The virtuous man, the princely one,
Has his girdle of silk.
His girdle is of silk,
And his cap is of spotted deer-skin.

3 鳲鳩:
Shi Jiu:
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree,
And her young ones are in the jujube tree.
The virtuous man, the princely one,
Has nothing wrong in his deportment.
He has nothing wrong in his deportment,
And thus he rectifies the four quarters of the State.

4 鳲鳩:
Shi Jiu:
The turtle dove is in the mulberry tree,
And her young ones are in the hazel tree.
The virtuous man, the princely one,
Rectifies the people of the State.
He rectifies the people of his State:
May he continue for ten thousand years!

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.