Chinese Text Project |
《十月之交 - Shi Yue Zi Jiao》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《十月之交》 Library Resources |
1 | 十月之交: |
十月之交、朔日辛卯。 日有食之、亦孔之醜。 彼月而微、此日而微。 今此下民、亦孔之哀。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
At the conjunction [of the sun and moon] in the tenth month, On the first day of the moon, which was Xin-mao, The sun was eclipsed, A thing of very evil omen. Then the moon became small, And now the sun became small. Henceforth the lower people, Will be in a very deplorable case. | |
2 | 十月之交: |
日月告凶、不用其行。 四國無政、不用其良。 彼月而食、則維其常。 此日而食、于何不臧。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
The sun and moon announce evil, Not keeping to their proper paths. All through the kingdom there is no [proper] government, Because the good are not employed. For the moon to be eclipsed, Is but an ordinary matter. Now that the sun has been eclipsed, - How bad it is! | |
3 | 十月之交: |
㷸㷸震電、不寧不令。 百川沸騰、山冢崒崩。 高岸為谷、深谷為陵。 哀今之人、胡憯莫懲。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
Grandly flashes the lightning of the thunder; - There is a want of rest, a want of good. The streams all bubble up and overflow. The crags on the hill-tops fall down. High banks become valleys; Deep valleys become hills. Alas for the men of this time! How does [the king] not stop these things? | |
4 | 十月之交: |
皇父卿士。 番維司徒。 家伯維宰。 仲允膳夫。 棸子內史。 蹶維趣馬。 楀維師氏。 豔妻煽方處。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
Huang-fu is the president; Fan is the minister of instruction; Jia-bo is the [chief] administrator; Zhong-yun is the chief cook; Zou is the recorder of the interior; Jue is master of the horse; Ju is captain of the guards; And the beautiful wife blazes, now in possession of her place. | |
5 | 十月之交: |
抑此皇父、豈曰不時。 胡為我作、不即我謀。 徹我牆屋、田卒汙萊。 曰予不戕、禮則然矣。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
This Huang-fu, Will not acknowledge that he is acting out of season. But why does he call us to action, Without coming and consulting with us? He has removed our walls and roofs, And our fields are all either a marsh or a moor. He says, ' I am not injuring you; The laws require that thus it should be? ' | |
6 | 十月之交: |
皇父孔聖、作都于向。 擇三有事、亶侯多藏。 不憖遺一老、俾守我王。 擇有車馬、以居徂向。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
Huang-fu is very wise; He has built a great city for himself in Xiang. He chose three men as his ministers, All of them indeed of great wealth. He could not bring himself to leave a single minister, Who might guard our king. He [also] selected those who had chariots and horses, To go and reside in Xiang.' | |
7 | 十月之交: |
黽勉從事、不敢告勞。 無罪無辜、讒口囂囂。 下民之孽、匪降自天。 噂沓背憎、職競由人。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
I have exerted myself to discharge my service, And do not dare to make a report of my toils. Without crime or offense of any kind, Slanderous mouths are loud against me. [But] the calamities of the lower people, Do not come down from Heaven. A multitide of [fair] words, and hatred behind the back, - The earnest, strong pursuit of this is from men. | |
8 | 十月之交: |
悠悠我里、亦孔之痗。 四方有羨、我獨居憂。 民莫不逸、我獨不敢休。 天命不徹、我不敢傚我友自逸。 |
Shi Yue Zi Jiao: |
Distant far is my village, And my dissatisfaction is great. In other quarters there is ease, And I dwell here alone and sorrowful. Every body is going into retirement, And I alone dare not seek rest. The ordinances of Heaven are inexplicable, But I will not dare to follow my friends and leave my post. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/shi-yue-zi-jiao