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譯文對照:[不顯示] [英文翻譯]


英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?] 電子圖書館
1 素冠:
Su Guan:
If I could but see the white cap,
And the earnest mourner worn to leanness! -
My toiled heart is worn with grief!

2 素冠:
Su Guan:
If I could but see the white [lower] dress! -
My heart is wounded with sadness!
I should be inclined to go and live with the wearer!

3 素冠:
Su Guan:
If I could but see the white knee-covers! -
Sorrow is knotted in my heart!
I should almost feel as of one soul with the wearer!

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/su-guan