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Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《載馳 - Zai Chi》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《載馳》 Library Resources
1 載馳:
Zai Chi:
I would have galloped my horses and whipt them,
Returning to condole with the marquis of Wei.
I would have urged them all the long way,
Till I arrived at Cao.
A great officer has gone, over the hills and through the rivers;
But my heart is full of sorrow.

2 載馳:
Zai Chi:
You disapproved of my [proposal],
And I cannot return to [Wei];
But I regard you as in the wrong,
And cannot forget my purpose.
You disapproved of my purpose,
But I cannot return across the streams;
But I regard you as in the wrong,
And cannot shut out my thoughts.

3 載馳:
Zai Chi:
I will ascend that mound with the steep side,
And gather the mother-of-pearl lilies.
I might, as a woman, have many thoughts,
But every one of them was practicable.
The people of Xu blame me,
But they are all childish and hasty [in their conclusions].

4 載馳:
Zai Chi:
I would have gone through the country,
Amidst the wheat so luxuriant.
I would have carried the case before the great State.
On whom should I have relied? Who would come [to the help of Wei]?
Ye great officers and gentlemen,
Do not condemn me.
The hundred plans you think of
Are not equal to the course I was going to take.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.