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Scope: Han Lu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "瑟彼玉瓚" Matched:1.
Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

《旱麓 - Han Lu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《旱麓》 Library Resources
1 旱麓:
Han Lu:
Look at the foot of the Han,
How abundantly grow the hazel and the arrow-thorn!
Easy and self-possessed was our prince,
In his pursuit of dignity [still] easy and self-possessed!

2 旱麓:
Han Lu:
Massive is that libation-cup of jade,
With the yellow liquid [sparkling] in it.
Easy and self-possessed was our prince,
The fit recipient of blessing and dignity.

3 旱麓:
Han Lu:
The hawk flies up to heaven;
The fishes leap in the deep.
Easy and self-possessed was our-prince; -
Did he not exert an influence upon men?

4 旱麓:
Han Lu:
His clear spirits are in vessel;
His red bull is ready; -
To offer, to sacrifice,
To increase his bright happiness.

5 旱麓:
Han Lu:
Thick grow the oaks and the yu,
Which the people use for fuel.
Easy and self-possessed was our prince,
Cheered and encouraged by the Spirits.

6 旱麓:
Han Lu:
Luxuriant are the dolichos and other creepers,
Clinging to the branches and stems,
Easy and self-possessed was our prince,
Seeking for happiness by no crooked ways.

Total 1 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.