中國哲學書電子化計劃 |
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檢索範圍: 詩經 檢索類型: 段落 |
條件1: 包含字詞"蠶月條桑取彼斧斨以伐遠揚猗彼女桑" 符合次數:1. |
共1段落。第1頁,共1頁。 |
《詩經》 | [西周 (公元前1046年 - 公元前771年)] | 提到《詩經》的書籍 電子圖書館 資料來源 相關資源 |
《國風 - Lessons from the states》 | 提到《國風》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
《豳風 - Odes Of Bin》 | 提到《豳風》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
《七月 - Qi Yue》 | 英文翻譯:理雅各(James Legge)[?] | 提到《七月》的書籍 電子圖書館 |
3 | 七月: |
七月流火、八月萑葦。 蠶月條桑、取彼斧斨、以伐遠揚、猗彼女桑。 七月鳴鵙、八月載績。 載玄載黃、我朱孔陽、為公子裳。 |
Qi Yue: |
In the seventh month, the Fire Star passes the meridian; In the eighth month are the sedges and reeds. In the silkworm month they strip the mulberry branches of their leaves, And take their axes and hatchets, To lop off those that are distant and high; Only stripping the young trees of their leaves. In the seventh month, the shrike is heard; In the eighth month, they begin their spinning; - They make dark fabrics and yellow. Our red manufacture is very brilliant, It is for the lower robes of our young princes. |
共1段落。第1頁,共1頁。 |