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Scope: Zhong Gu Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "中谷有蓷" Matched:4.
Total 4 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.

中谷有蓷 - Zhong Gu》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《中谷有蓷》 Library Resources
1 中谷有蓷:
Zhong Gu:
In the valleys grows the mother-wort,
But scorched is it in the drier places.
There is a woman forced to leave her husband;
Sadly she sighs!
Sadly she sighs!
She suffers from his hard lot.

2 中谷有蓷:
Zhong Gu:
In the valleys grows the mother-wort,
But scorched is it where it had become long.
There is a woman forced to leave her husband;
Long-drawn are her groanings!
Long-drawn are her groanings!
She suffers from his misfortune.

3 中谷有蓷:
Zhong Gu:
In the valleys grows the mother-wort,
But scorched is it even in the moist places.
There is a woman forced to leave her husband;
Ever flow her tears!
Ever flow her tears!
But of what avail is her lament?

Total 4 paragraphs. Page 1 of 1.