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道德经 - Dao De Jing

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
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[Also known as: 《老子》, "Tao Te Ching", "Laozi"]

36 道德经:
Dao De Jing:
(Minimising the light)
When one is about to take an inspiration, he is sure to make a (previous) expiration; when he is going to weaken another, he will first strengthen him; when he is going to overthrow another, he will first have raised him up; when he is going to despoil another, he will first have made gifts to him: - this is called 'Hiding the light (of his procedure).'
The soft overcomes the hard; and the weak the strong.
Fishes should not be taken from the deep; instruments for the profit of a state should not be shown to the people.

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