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Data wiki -> 吳棫
吳棫[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:120509
Wu Yu 吳域 (c. 1100-1154) was an early and important Chinese philologist and phonologist and author of the 韻補 Yunbu, in which he noted the historical change of pronunciation of Shijing rhymes.
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吳棫(約1100年 - 1154年),字才老,宋朝官員,音韻學家,舒州(今安徽省潛山縣)人。
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Source | Relation |
書裨傳 | creator |
裨傳 | creator |
論語續解 | creator |
韻補 | creator |
Text | Count |
正字通 | 1 |
古經解鉤沉 | 1 |
萬姓統譜 | 2 |
宋元學案 | 2 |
鐵琴銅劍樓藏書目錄 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 32 |
文獻通考 | 4 |
直齋書錄解題 | 4 |
皇朝通志 | 1 |
全閩詩話 | 2 |
宋史 | 2 |
明文海 | 1 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 2 |
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