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-> 叔梁纥

叔梁纥[View] [Edit] [History]

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Kong He (孔纥), (622 BC–548 BC) also known as Shuliang He (叔梁纥), was the father of Confucius and an officer in the Lu state military. Kong died when Confucius was three years old, and Confucius was raised by his mother Yan Zhengzai (颜徵在) in poverty. Kong also had another son, named Pi (皮). However, as Kong Pi's mother was a concubine and Pi himself was said to have deformities in his feet, he could not become his father's successor. Kong He's first wife Lady Shi had given birth to only daughters. Thus, Kong He was heirless until the birth of Confucius.

On the 69th day of the fourth lunar month of the year 563 BCE, Kong He was supposedly responsible for holding open the gates of Bi Yang (逼阳), so that soldiers from his side who had already entered Bi Yang could escape. Meng Xianzi, then leader of the Mengsun clan of Lu (one of the Three Huan), praised him by saying, "This is what the Classic of Poetry meant by 'having the strength of a tiger'."

It is generally thought that Confucius was born on September 28, 551 BC. His birthplace was in Zou, Lu state (near present-day Qufu, Shandong Province).

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叔梁(前623年 - 前549年),姓,氏,名,字叔梁,又称人纥郰叔纥,是伯夏的儿子,孟皮和孔子的父亲。鲁国郰邑大夫。

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