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Data wiki -> 李公麟
李公麟[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:224962
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | person | |
name | 李公麟 | |
name-style | 伯時 | 《宋史·列傳第二百三文苑六》:李公麟,字伯時,舒州人。 |
born | 1049 | |
died | 1106 | |
authority-cbdb | 19865 | |
authority-viaf | 54131013 | |
authority-wikidata | Q716389 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 李公麟 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Li_Gonglin |
Li Gonglin (李公麟, 1049–1106), style name Boshi (伯時), art name Longmian Jushi (龍眠居士, Householder of Sleeping Dragon), was a Chinese antiquarian, painter, and politician during the Northern Song Dynasty.
Born into a scholarly home near what is modern day Lu'an City, Li Gonglin passed the highest level of civil service examinations at 21 and became a civil officer. He became famous for his paintings of horses, then he turned to Buddhism and Taoism religious painting, as well as portrait and landscape painting. His painting style was attributed to the style of Gu Kaizhi and Wu Daozi. He made antiquarian contributions in the areas of copperware and Jade Seal dated between the Xia Dynasty and the Zhou Dynasty.
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
李公麟(1049年 - 1106年),北宋畫家。字伯時,號龍眠居士,舒州(今安徽桐城)人。
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Source | Relation |
古器圖 | creator |
Text | Count |
珊瑚網 | 8 |
御定佩文齋書畫譜 | 6 |
画繼 | 2 |
御定淵鑑類函 | 2 |
大清一統志 | 2 |
画繼 | 1 |
山堂肆考 | 6 |
江南通志 | 4 |
御定駢字類編 | 2 |
畫史會要 | 2 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 2 |
古今紀要 | 1 |
書史會要 | 1 |
宣和畫譜 | 2 |
圖繪寶鑑 | 1 |
宋詩紀事 | 3 |
天中記 | 2 |
能改齋漫錄 | 1 |
書訣 | 2 |
五百羅漢像贊 | 1 |
宋史 | 4 |
方輿勝覽 | 4 |
氏族大全 | 2 |
畫史 | 2 |
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