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明太祖[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:366735
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | person | |
name | 明太祖 | default |
name | 太祖 | |
name | 朱元璋 | |
born-date | 天曆戊辰年九月丁丑 1328/10/21 | 《明史紀事本末·第一卷太祖起兵》:太祖生於元天歷戊辰之九月丁丑,其夕赤光燭天,里中人競呼「朱家火」,及至,無有。 |
died-date | 洪武三十一年閏五月 1398/6/15 - 1398/7/13 | 《明史·本紀第四 恭閔帝》:三十一年閏五月,太祖崩。 |
born | 1328 | |
died | 1398 | |
father | person:朱世珍 | 《明史·本紀第一 太祖一》:父世珍,始徙濠州之鐘離。 |
ruled | dynasty:明 | |
from-date 洪武元年正月乙亥 1368/1/23 | ||
to-date 洪武三十一年閏五月乙酉 1398/6/24 | ||
authority-cbdb | 30148 | |
authority-ddbc | 3672 | |
authority-sinica | 9838 | |
authority-viaf | 62349118 | |
authority-wikidata | Q9957 | |
authority-wikidata | Q9957 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 朱元璋 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Hongwu_Emperor |

As famine, plagues and peasant revolts increased across China in the 14th century, Zhu Yuanzhang rose to command the forces that conquered China, ending the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty and forcing the Mongols to retreat to the Eurasian Steppe. Zhu claimed the Mandate of Heaven and established the Ming dynasty at the beginning of 1368 and occupied the Yuan capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), with his army that same year. Trusting only his family, he made his many sons feudal princes along the northern marches and the Yangtze valley. Having outlived his eldest son Zhu Biao, Hongwu enthroned Zhu Biao's son via a series of instructions. This ended in failure when the Jianwen Emperor's attempts to unseat his uncles led to the Jingnan Rebellion.
The era of Hongwu witnessed much tolerance with the minorities and religions; Ma Zhou, the Chinese historian indicates that the Hongwu ordered to renovate and build many mosques in Xi』an and Nanjing. Wang Daiyu also recorded that the emperor wrote 100 characters praising Islam, Baizi zan .
The reign of the Hongwu Emperor is notable for his unprecedented political reforms. The emperor abolished the position of chancellor, drastically reduced the role of court eunuchs, and adopted draconian measures to address corruption. He also established the Embroidered Uniform Guard, one of the best known secret police organizations in imperial China. In the 1380s and 1390s a series of purges were launched to eliminate his high-ranked officials and generals; tens of thousands were executed. The reign of Hongwu also witnessed much cruelty. Various cruel methods of execution was introduced for punishable crimes and for those who directly criticized the emperor, and massacres were also carried against everyone who resisted his rule.
The emperor encouraged agriculture, reduced taxes, incentivized the cultivation of new land, and established laws protecting peasants' property. He also confiscated land held by large estates and forbade private slavery. At the same time, he banned free movement in the empire and assigned hereditary occupational categories to households. Through these measures, Zhu Yuanzhang attempted to rebuild a country that had been ravaged by war, limit and control its social groups, and instill orthodox values in his subjects, eventually creating a strictly regimented society of self-sufficient farming communities.
Read more...: Early life Rise to power Reign Land reform Social policy Military Nobility Bureaucratic reforms and consolidation of power Legal reform Economic reform Education policy Religious policy Foreign policy Vietnam "Japanese" pirates Byzantine Empire Death Assessment Family Ancestry In popular culture
Early life
Zhu was born to a family of impoverished peasant tenant farmers in Zhongli Village in the Huai River plain, which is in present-day Fengyang, Anhui Province. His father's name was Zhu Shizhen (朱世珍, original name Zhu Wusi 朱五四) and his mother was Chen Erniang. He had seven older siblings, several of whom were "given away" by his parents, as they did not have enough food to support the family. When he was 16, severe drought ruined the harvest where his family lived and famine subsequently killed everyone in his family except for him and one of his brothers. He then buried them by wrapping them in white cloth.
His grandfather, who lived to be 99 years old, served in the Southern Song army and navy, which had fought against the Mongol invasion, and told his grandson tales of it.
Destitute after his family's death, Zhu accepted a suggestion to take up a pledge made by his brother and became a novice monk at the Huangjue Temple, a local Buddhist monastery. However, he was forced to leave the monastery after it ran short of funds.
For the next few years, Zhu led the life of a wandering beggar and personally experienced the hardships of the common people. After about three years, he returned to the monastery and stayed there until he was around 24 years old. He learned to read and write during the time that he spent with the Buddhist monks.
Rise to power
The monastery where Zhu lived was eventually destroyed by an army suppressing a local rebellion. In 1352, Zhu joined one of the many insurgent forces that had risen in rebellion against the Mongol-led Yuan dynasty. He rose rapidly through the ranks and became a commander. His rebel force later joined the Red Turbans (then led by Han Shantong), a millenarian sect related to the White Lotus Society, and one that followed cultural and religious traditions of Buddhism, Zoroastrianism and other religions. Widely seen as a defender of Confucianism and neo-Confucianism among the predominant Han Chinese population in China, Zhu emerged as a leader of the rebels that were struggling to overthrow the Yuan dynasty.
In 1356, Zhu and his army conquered Nanjing, which became his base of operations and the capital of the Ming dynasty during his reign. Zhu's government in Nanjing became famous for good governance, and the city attracted vast numbers of people fleeing from other more lawless regions. It is estimated that Nanjing's population increased tenfold over the next 10 years. In the meantime, the Yuan government had been weakened by internal factions fighting for control, and it made little effort to retake the Yangtze River valley. By 1358, central and Southern China had fallen into the hands of different rebel groups. During that time the Red Turbans also split up. Zhu became the leader of a smaller faction (called "Ming" around 1360), while the larger faction, under Chen Youliang, controlled the center of the Yangtze River valley.
Zhu Yuanzhang was the Duke of Wu, which was nominally under the control of Han Shantong's son Han Lin'er (w:zh:韩林儿), who was enthroned as the Longfeng 龙凤 Emperor of the Great Song dynasty (Red Turban Song dynasty w:zh:宋 (韩林儿)).
Zhu was able to attract many talents into his service. One of them was (朱升), who advised him to "build high walls, stock up rations, and delay claiming kingship" (高築牆、廣積糧、緩稱王). Another, Jiao Yu, was an artillery officer, who later compiled a military treatise outlining the various types of gunpowder weapons. Another one, Liu Bowen, became one of Zhu's key advisors, and edited the military-technology treatise titled Huolongjing in later years.
Starting from 1360, Zhu, and Chen Youliang fought a protracted war for supremacy over the former territories controlled by the Red Turbans. The pivotal moment in the war was the Battle of Lake Poyang in 1363. The battle lasted three days and ended with the defeat and retreat of Chen's larger navy. Chen died a month later in battle. Zhu did not participate personally in any battles after that and remained in Nanjing, where he directed his generals to go on campaigns.
In 1367, Zhu's forces defeated Zhang Shicheng's Kingdom of Dazhou, which was centered in Suzhou and had previously included most of the Yangtze River Delta, and Hangzhou, which was formerly the capital of the Song dynasty. This victory granted Zhu's government authority over the lands north and south of the Yangtze River. The other major warlords surrendered to Zhu and on 20 January 1368, Zhu proclaimed himself Emperor of the Ming dynasty in Nanjing and adopted "Hongwu" (lit. "vastly martial") as his era name.
In 1368, Ming armies headed north to attack territories that were still under Yuan rule. The Mongols gave up their capital, Khanbaliq (present-day Beijing), and the rest of northern China in September 1368 and retreated to Mongolia. On 15 October 1371, one of Hongwu's sons, Zhu Shuang, was married to the sister of Köke Temür, a Bayad general of the Yuan dynasty.
In 1371, the Ming dynasty defeated Ming Yuzhen's Xia polity, which ruled Sichuan.
The Ming army captured the last Yuan-controlled province of Yunnan in 1381, and China was unified under Ming rule.
Under Hongwu's rule, Mongol and other foreign bureaucrats who had dominated the government during the Yuan dynasty along with Northern Chinese officials were replaced by Han Chinese officials. The emperor re-instituted, then abolished, then restored, the Confucian civil service imperial examination system, from which most state officials were selected based on their knowledge of literature and philosophy. The Ming examination curriculum followed that set by the Yuan in 1313: a focus on the Four Books over the Five Classics and the commentaries of Zhu Xi. The Confucian scholar-bureaucrats who had been previously marginalized during the Yuan dynasty were reinstated to their predominant roles in the government.
"Barbarian" (i.e. Mongol-related) elements, including garments and names, were made illegal. There was no clear definition on what was "barbarian", and individual clothing styles and names were banned at the emperor』s will. There were also attacks on palaces and administrative buildings previously used by the rulers of the Yuan dynasty. But many of Taizu's government institutions were actually modeled on those of the Yuan dynasty: community schools required for primary education in every village.
Ming's legal system established by Hongwu contains various methods of execution including flaying, and slow slicing. One of his generals, Chang Yuchun, carried out massacres in Shandong and Hunan provinces to take revenge against people who resisted his army. Over time, Hongwu became increasingly fearful of rebellions and coups, and also ordered the execution of those of his advisors who criticized him. Manicheanism and the White Lotus Sect, which played significant roles during the revolts against the Yuan, were outlawed. He was also said to have ordered the massacre of several thousand people living in Nanjing after having heard one talked about him without respect. In the Hu Weiyong case alone, tens of thousands of officials and their families were executed over sedition, treason, corruption and other charges. According to an anecdote noted by Ming dynasty writers, in 1380, after much killing, a lightning bolt struck his palace and he stopped the massacres for some time, as he was afraid divine forces would punish him. In the 1390s, however, tens of thousands more people were executed due to their association with an alleged plot of rebellion by general Lan Yu.
Land reform
As Hongwu came from a peasant family, he was aware of how peasants used to suffer under the oppression of the scholar-bureaucrats, and the wealthy. Many of the latter, relying on their connections with government officials, encroached unscrupulously on peasants' lands and bribed the officials to transfer the burden of taxation to the poor. To prevent such abuse, he instituted two systems: Yellow Records and Fish Scale Records. They served both to secure the government's income from land taxes and to affirm that peasants would not lose their lands.
However, the reforms did not eliminate the threat of the bureaucrats to peasants. Instead, the expansion of the bureaucrats and their growing prestige translated into more wealth, and tax exemption for those in the government service. The bureaucrats gained new privileges, and some became illegal money-lenders and managers of gambling rings. Using their power, the bureaucrats expanded their estates at the expense of peasants' lands through outright purchase of those lands, and foreclosure on their mortgages whenever they wanted the lands. The peasants often became either tenants, or workers, or sought employment elsewhere.
Since the beginning of the Ming dynasty in 1357, great care was taken by Hongwu to distribute land to peasants. One way was by forced migration to less-dense areas. Hongtong County, for example, was the source of many of those migrants due to its particularly dense population. The migrants were gathered under a pagoda tree (洪洞大槐樹) and escorted to neighboring provinces. "The great pagoda tree in Hongtong, Shanxi" became a common idiom when referring to one's ancestral home in certain areas of Henan and Hebei. Public works projects, such as the construction of irrigation systems, and dikes, were undertaken in an attempt to help farmers. In addition, Hongwu also reduced the demands for forced labor on the peasantry.
In 1370, Hongwu ordered that some lands in Hunan and Anhui should be given to young farmers who had reached adulthood. The order was intended to prevent landlords from seizing the land, as it also decreed that the titles to the lands were not transferable. During the middle part of his reign, he passed an edict, stating that those who brought fallow land under cultivation could keep it as their property without being taxed. The policy was well received by the people and in 1393, cultivated land rose to 8,804,623 qing and 68 mu, something not achieved during any other Chinese dynasty. Hongwu also instigated the planting of 50 million trees in the vicinity of Nanjing, reconstructing canals, irrigation, and repopulation of the North.
Social policy
Under the Hongwu reign, rural China was reorganized into li (里), communities of 110 households. The position of community chief rotates among the ten most populous households, while the rest were further divided into tithings (jia, 甲). Together, the system was known as lijia. The communities were responsible for collecting tax and drafting labor for the local government. Village elders were also obliged to keep surveillance on the community, report criminal activities, and ensure that the residents are fully committed to agricultural work.
The Yuan dynasty Zhuse Huji (諸色戶計) system was continued and the households were categorized into different types. The most basic types, namely civilian households (民戶), military households (軍戶), craftsmen households (匠戶) and salt worker households (鹽灶戶), defined the family's form of corvée labor. Military households, for example, accounted for around one-sixth of the total population at the beginning of Yongle era, and each was required to provide an adult man as soldier, and at least one more person to work in support roles in the military. The military, craftsmen and salt worker households were hereditary, and converting into civilian households was impossible except in a few very rare situations. A family may simultaneously belong in one of the minor categories, e.g. physician households and scholar households, according to their occupation. In addition to the aforementioned "good" households, discriminatory types also existed, such as entertainer households (樂戶).
Travelers were required to carry a luyin (路引), a permit issued by the local government, and their neighbors were required to have knowledge of their itinerary. Unauthorized domestic migration was banned, and offenders were exiled. The policy was strictly enforced during the Hongwu era.
Zhu Yuanzhang passed a law on mandatory hairstyle on 24 September, 1392, mandating that all males grow their hair long and making it illegal for them to shave part of their foreheads while leaving strands of hair which was the Mongol hairstyle. The penalty for both the barber and the person who was shaved and his sons was castration if they cut their hair and their families were to be sent to the borders for exile. This helped eradicated partially shaved Mongol hairstyles and enforced long Han hairstyle.
Hongwu realized that the Mongols still posed a threat to China, even though they had been driven away after the collapse of the Yuan dynasty. He decided to reassess the orthodox Confucian view that the military class was inferior to that of the scholar bureaucracy. He kept a powerful army, which in 1384 he reorganized using a model known as the weisuo system (衞所制, literally guard battalion). Each military unit consisted of 5,600 men divided into five battalions and ten companies. By 1393 the total number of weisuo troops had reached 1,200,000. Soldiers were also assigned land on which to grow crops whilst their positions were made hereditary. This type of system can be traced back to the fubing system (府兵制) of the Sui and Tang dynasties.
Training was conducted within local military districts. In times of war, troops were mobilized from all over the empire on the orders of the Ministry of War, and commanders were appointed to lead them to battle. After the war, the army was disbanded into smaller groups and sent back to their respective districts, while the commanders had to return their authority to the state. This system helped to prevent military leaders from having too much power. The military was under the control of a civilian official for large campaigns, instead of a military general.
When the Ming dynasty emerged, Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's military officers were given noble titles. These privileged the holder with a stipend, but in all other aspects was merely symbolic. Mu Ying's family was among them. Special rules against abuse of power were implemented on the nobles.
Bureaucratic reforms and consolidation of power
Hongwu attempted, and largely succeeded in, the consolidation of control over all aspects of government, so that no other group could gain enough power to overthrow him. He also buttressed the country's defense against the Mongols. He increasingly concentrated power in his own hands. He abolished the Chancellor's post, which had been head of the main central administrative body under past dynasties, by suppressing a plot for which he had blamed his chancellor Hu Weiyong. Many argue that Hongwu, because of his wish to concentrate absolute authority in his own hands, removed the only insurance against incompetent emperors.
However, Hongwu could not govern the sprawling Ming Empire all by himself and had to create the new institution of the "Grand Secretary". This cabinet-like organisation progressively took on the powers of the abolished prime minister, becoming just as powerful in time. Ray Huang argued that Grand-Secretaries, outwardly powerless, could exercise considerable positive influence from behind the throne. Because of their prestige and the public trust which they enjoyed, they could act as intermediaries between the emperor and the ministerial officials, and thus provide a stabilising force in the court.
In Hongwu's elimination of the traditional offices of grand councilor, the primary impetus was Hu Weiyong's alleged attempt to usurp the throne. Hu was the Senior Grand Councilor and a capable administrator; however over the years, the magnitude of his powers, as well as involvement in several political scandals eroded the paranoid emperor's trust in him. Finally, in 1380, Hongwu had Hu and his entire family arrested and executed on charges of treason. Using this as an opportunity to purge his government, the emperor also ordered the execution of countless other officials, as well as their families, for associating with Hu. The purge lasted over a decade and resulted in more than 30,000 executions. In 1390, even Li Shanchang, one of the closest old friends of the emperor, who was rewarded as the biggest contributor to the founding of the Ming Empire, was executed along with over 70 members of his extended family. A year after his death, a deputy in the Board of Works made a submission to the emperor appealing Li's innocence, arguing that since Li was already at the apex of honour, wealth and power, the accusation that he wanted to help someone else usurp the throne was clearly ridiculous. Hongwu was unable to refute the accusations and finally ended the purge shortly afterwards.
Hongwu also noted the destructive role of court eunuchs under the previous dynasties. He drastically reduced their numbers, forbidding them to handle documents, insisting that they remain illiterate, and executing those who commented on state affairs. The emperor had a strong aversion to the eunuchs, epitomized by a tablet in his palace stipulating: "Eunuchs must have nothing to do with the administration". This aversion to eunuchs did not long continue among his successors, as the Hongwu and Jianwen emperors' harsh treatment of eunuchs allowed the Yongle Emperor to employ them as a power base during his coup. In addition to Hongwu's aversion to eunuchs, he never consented to any of his consort kin becoming court officials. This policy was fairly well-maintained by later emperors, and no serious trouble was caused by the empresses or their families.
The Embroidered Uniform Guard or Jinyiwei was transformed into a secret police organization during the Hongwu era. It was given the authority to overrule judicial proceedings in prosecutions with full autonomy in arresting, interrogating and punishing anyone, including nobles and the emperor's relatives. In 1393, Jiang Huan (蔣瓛), the chief of Jinyiwei, accused general Lan Yu of plotting rebellion. 15,000 people was executed in familial extermination during the subsequent purges, according to Hongwu.
Through the repeated purges and the elimination of the historical posts, Hongwu fundamentally altered the centuries-old government structure of China, greatly increasing the emperor's absolutism.
Legal reform
The legal code drawn up in the time of Hongwu was considered one of the great achievements of the era. The History of Ming mentioned that as early as 1364, the monarchy had started to draft a code of laws. This code was known as Da Ming Lü (大明律, "Code of the Great Ming" or "Laws of the Great Ming"). The emperor devoted much time to the project and instructed his ministers that the code should be comprehensive and intelligible, so as not to allow any official to exploit loopholes in the code by deliberately misinterpreting it. The Ming code laid much emphasis on family relations. The code was a great improvement on the code of the Tang dynasty in regards to the treatment of slaves. Under the Tang code, slaves were treated as a species of domestic animal; if they were killed by a free citizen, the law imposed no sanction on the killer. Under the Ming dynasty, the law protected both slaves and free citizens.
Later during his reign, however, the Code of the Great Ming was set aside in favor of the far harsher legal system documented in Da Gao (大誥, "Great Announcements"). Compared to the Da Ming Lü, the penalties for almost all crimes were drastically increased, with more than 1,000 crimes eligible for capital punishment. Much of the Da Gao was dedicated to the government and officials, particularly for anti-corruption. Officials who embezzled more than the equivalent of 60 liang (one liang was around 30 grams) of silver were to be beheaded and then flayed, the skin publicly exhibited. Zhu Yuanzhang granted all people the right to capture officials suspected of crimes and directly send them to the capital, a first in Chinese history. Apart from regulating the government, Da Gao aimed to set limits to various social groups. For example, "idle men" (逸夫) who did not change their lifestyles after the new law came into effect would be executed and their neighbors exiled. Da Gao also included extensive sumptuary laws, down to details such as banning ornaments in heating rooms in the houses of commoners.
Economic reform
Supported by the scholar-bureaucrats, he accepted the Confucian viewpoint that merchants were solely parasitic. He felt that agriculture should be the country's source of wealth and that trade was ignoble. As a result, the Ming economic system emphasized agriculture, unlike the economic system of the Song dynasty, which had preceded the Yuan dynasty and relied on traders and merchants for revenues. Hongwu also supported the creation of self-supporting agricultural communities.
However, his prejudice against merchants did not diminish the numbers of traders. On the contrary, commerce increased significantly during the Hongwu era because of the growth of industry throughout the empire. This growth in trade was due in part to poor soil conditions and the overpopulation of certain areas, which forced many people to leave their homes and seek their fortunes in trade. A book titled Tu Pien Hsin Shu, written during the Ming dynasty, gave a detailed description of the activities of merchants at that time.
Although the Hongwu era saw the reintroduction of paper currency, its development was stifled from the beginning. Not understanding inflation, Hongwu gave out so much paper money as rewards that by 1425, the state was forced to restore copper coins because the paper currency had sunk to only 1/70 of its original value.
Education policy
Hongwu tried to remove Mencius from the Temple of Confucius as certain parts of his work were deemed harmful. These include "the people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and grain are the next; the sovereign is the lightest" (Mengzi, Jin Xin II), as well as, "when the prince regards the ministers as the ground or as grass, they regard him as a robber and an enemy" (Mengzi, Li Lou II). The effort failed due to the objection from important officials, particularly Qian Tang (錢唐), Minister of Justice. Eventually, the emperor organized the compilation of the Mencius Abridged (孟子節文) in which 85 lines were deleted. Apart from those mentioned above, the omitted sentences also included those describing rules of governance, promoting benevolence, and those critical of King Zhou of Shang.
At the Guozijian, law, math, calligraphy, equestrianism, and archery were emphasized by Hongwu in addition to Confucian classics and also required in the Imperial Examinations. Archery and equestrianism were added to the exam by Hongwu in 1370, similarly to how archery and equestrianism were required for non-military officials at the College of War in 1162 by the Song Emperor Xiaozong. The area around the Meridian Gate of Nanjing was used for archery by guards and generals under Hongwu.
A cavalry based army modeled on the Yuan military was implemented by the Hongwu and Yongle Emperors. Hongwu's army and officialdom incorporated Mongols.
Equestrianism and archery were favorite pastimes of He Suonan who served in the Yuan and Ming militaries under Hongwu. Archery towers were built by Zhengtong Emperor at the Forbidden City and archery towers were built on the city walls of Xi'an which had been erected by Hongwu.
Hongwu wrote essays which were posted in every village throughout China warning the people to behave or else face horrifying consequences. The 1380s writings of Hongwu includes the "Great warnings" or "Grand Pronouncements", and the "Ancestral Injunctions". He wrote the Six Maxims (六諭, 聖諭六言) which inspired the Sacred Edict of the Kangxi Emperor.
Around 1384, Hongwu ordered the Chinese translation and compilation of Islamic astronomical tables, a task that was carried out by the scholars Mashayihei, a Muslim astronomer, and Wu Bozong, a Chinese scholar-official. These tables came to be known as the Huihui Lifa (Muslim System of Calendrical Astronomy), which was published in China a number of times until the early 18th century,
Religious policy
Mongol and Central Asian Semu Muslim women and men were required by Ming Code to marry Han Chinese after the first Ming Emperor Hongwu passed the law in Article 122.
Hongwu ordered the construction of several mosques in Nanjing, Yunnan, Guangdong and Fujian provinces, and had inscriptions praising the Islamic prophet Muhammad placed in them. He rebuilt the Jinjue Mosque (literally meaning: Pure Enlightenment Mosque) in Nanjing and large numbers of Hui people moved to the city during his rule.
Chinese sources claim that Hongwu had close relations with Muslims and had around ten Muslim generals in his military including Lan Yu, Ding Dexing, Mu Ying, Feng Sheng and Hu Dahai, and that "His Majesty ordered to have mosques built in Xijing and Nanjing capitals, and in southern Yunnan, Fujian and Guangdong." He also personally wrote a 100-word praise (baizizan) on Islam, Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.
During the war fighting the Mongols, the Hui Muslim Feng Sheng was among the Ming Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang's armies.
Foreign policy
Hongwu was a non-interventionist, refusing to intervene in a Vietnamese invasion of Champa to help the Chams, only rebuking the Vietnamese for their invasion, being opposed to military action abroad. He specifically warned future Emperors only to defend against foreign barbarians, and not engage in military campaigns for glory and conquest. In his 1395 ancestral injunctions, the emperor specifically wrote that China should not attack Champa, Cambodia or Annam (Vietnam). With the exception of his turn against aggressive expansion, much of Taizu's foreign policy and his diplomatic institutions were based on Yuan practice.
"Japanese" pirates
Hongwu sent a message to the Japanese that his army would "capture and exterminate your bandits, head straight for your country, and put your king in bonds". In fact, many of the "dwarf pirates" and "eastern barbarians" raiding his coasts were Chinese, and Hongwu's response was almost entirely passive. The Ashikaga shōgun replied "Your great empire may be able to invade Japan, but our small state is not short of a strategy to defend ourselves." The necessity of protecting his state against the Northern Yuan remnants meant that the most Hongwu was able to accomplish against Japan was a series of "sea ban" measures. Private foreign trade was made punishable by death, with the trader's family and neighbors exiled; ships, docks, and shipyards were destroyed, and ports were sabotaged. The plan was at odds with Chinese tradition and was counterproductive as it tied up resources. 74 coastal garrisons had to be established from Guangzhou to Shandong, though they were often manned by local gangs. Hongwu's measures limited tax receipts, impoverished and provoked both coastal Chinese and Japanese against the Hongwu regime, and actually increased piracy- offering too little as a reward for good behavior and enticement for Japanese authorities to root out their own smugglers and pirates. Regardless of the policy, piracy had dropped to negligible levels by the time of its abolition in 1568.
Nonetheless, the sea ban was added by Hongwu to his Ancestral Injunctions and so continued to be broadly enforced through most of the rest of his dynasty: for the next two centuries, the rich farmland of the south and the military theaters of the north were linked only by the Jinghang Canal.
Despite the deep distrust, in Hongwu's Ancestral Injunctions, he listed Japan along with 14 other countries as "countries against which campaigns shall not be launched", and advised his descendants to maintain peace with them.
Byzantine Empire
The History of Ming, compiled during the early Qing dynasty, describes how Hongwu met with an alleged merchant of Fulin (拂菻; the Byzantine Empire) named "Nieh-ku-lun" (捏古倫). In September 1371, he had the man sent back to his native country with a letter announcing the founding of the Ming dynasty to his ruler (i.e. John V Palaiologos). It is speculated that the merchant was actually a former bishop of Khanbaliq (Beijing) called Nicolaus de Bentra, sent by Pope John XXII to replace Archbishop John of Montecorvino in 1333. The History of Ming goes on to explain that contacts between China and Fu lin ceased after this point, and diplomats of the great western sea (the Mediterranean Sea) did not appear in China again until the 16th century, with the Italian Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci.
After a 30-year reign, The Hongwu Emperor died on 24 June 1398 at the age of 69. After his death, his physicians were penalized. He was buried at Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum on the Purple Mountain, in the east of Nanjing. The mass sacrifice of concubines after the emperor's death, a practice long disappeared among Chinese dynasties, was revived by Zhu Yuanzhang, probably to clear potential obstacles to the reign of his chosen successor. At least 38 concubines were killed as part of Hongwu's funeral human sacrifice.
Historians consider Hongwu as one of the most significant emperors of China. As Patricia Buckley Ebrey puts it, "Seldom has the course of Chinese history been influenced by a single personality as much as it was by the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang." His rise to power was fast despite his having a poor and humble origin. In 11 years, he went from being a penniless monk to the most powerful warlord in China. Five years later, he became emperor of China. Simon Leys described him this way: 'an adventurer from peasant stock, poorly educated, a man of action, a bold and shrewd tactician, a visionary mind, in many respects a creative genius; naturally coarse, cynical, and ruthless, he eventually showed symptoms of paranoia, bordering on psychopathy.'
Zhu Yuanzhang had many Korean women and Mongolian women among his concubines along with his empress Ma and had 16 daughters and 26 sons with all of them.
Consorts and Issue:
• Empress Xiaocigao, of the Ma clan (孝慈高皇后 馬氏; 1332–1382), personal name Xiuying (秀英)
• Zhu Biao, Crown Prince Yiwen (懿文皇太子 朱標; 10 October 1355 – 17 May 1392), first son
• Zhu Shuang, Prince Min of Qin (秦愍王 朱樉; 3 December 1356 – 9 April 1395), second son
• Zhu Gang, Prince Gong of Jin (晉恭王 朱㭎; 18 December 1358 – 30 March 1398), third son
• Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor (成祖 朱棣; 2 May 1360 – 12 August 1424), fourth son. According to surviving Ming historical records, Zhu Di's mother was the Hongwu Emperor's primary consort, Empress Ma, the view Zhu Di himself maintained. Some contemporaries maintained, however, that Zhu Di's mother was one of his father's concubines, who might be of Korean origin, and that the official records were changed during his reign to list him as a son of the Empress Ma in order to sanction his succession on the "death" of the Jianwen Emperor.
• Zhu Su, Prince Ding of Zhou (周定王 朱橚; 8 October 1361 – 2 September 1425), fifth son
• Princess Ning (寧公主; 1364 – 7 September 1434), second daughter
• Married Mei Yin, Duke Rong (梅殷; d. 1405) in 1378, and had issue (two sons)
• Princess Anqing (安慶公主), fourth daughter
• Married Ouyang Lun (歐陽倫; d. 23 July 1397) on 23 December 1381
• Noble Consort Chengmu, of the Sun clan (成穆貴妃 孫氏; 1343–1374)
• Princess Lin'an (臨安公主; 1360 – 17 August 1421), personal name Yufeng (玉鳳), first daughter
• Married Li Qi (李祺; d. 1402), a son of Li Shanchang, in 1376, and had issue (two sons)
• Princess Huaiqing (懷慶公主; 1366 – 15 July 1425), sixth daughter
• Married Wang Ning, Marquis Yongchun (王寧) on 11 September 1382, and had issue (two sons)
• Tenth daughter
• 13th daughter
• Noble Consort, of the Zhao clan (貴妃 趙氏)
• Zhu Mo, Prince Jian of Shen (沈簡王 朱模; 1 September 1380 – 11 June 1431), 21st son
• Consort Ning, of the Guo clan (寧妃 郭氏)
• Princess Runing (汝寧公主), fifth daughter
• Married Lu Xian (陸賢) on 11 June 1382
• Princess Daming (大名公主; 1368 – 30 March 1426), seventh daughter
• Married Li Jian (李堅; d. 1401) on 2 September 1382, and had issue (one son)
• Zhu Tan, Prince Huang of Lu (魯荒王 朱檀; 15 March 1370 – 2 January 1390), tenth son
• Consort Zhaojingchong, of the Hu clan (昭敬充妃 胡氏)
• Zhu Zhen, Prince Zhao of Chu (楚昭王 朱楨; 5 April 1364 – 22 March 1424), sixth son
• Consort Ding, of the Da clan (定妃 達氏; d. 1390)
• Zhu Fu, Prince Gong of Qi (齊恭王 朱榑; 23 December 1364 – 1428), seventh son
• Zhu Zi, Prince of Tan (潭王 朱梓; 6 October 1369 – 18 April 1390), eighth son
• Consort An, of the Zheng clan (安妃 鄭氏)
• Princess Fuqing (福清公主; 1370 – 28 February 1417), eighth daughter
• Married Zhang Lin (張麟) on 26 April 1385, and had issue (one son)
• Consort Hui, of the Guo clan (惠妃 郭氏)
• Zhu Chun, Prince Xian of Shu (蜀獻王 朱椿; 4 April 1371 – 22 March 1423), 11th son
• Zhu Gui, Prince Jian of Dai (代簡王 朱桂; 25 August 1374 – 29 December 1446), 13th son
• Princess Yongjia Zhenyi (永嘉貞懿公主; 1376 – 12 October 1455), 12th daughter
• Married Guo Zhen (郭鎮; 1372–1399) on 23 November 1389, and had issue (one son)
• Zhu Hui, Prince of Gu (谷王 朱橞; 30 April 1379 – 1428), 19th son
• Princess Ruyang (汝陽公主), 15th daughter
• Married Xie Da (謝達; d. 1404) on 23 August 1394
• Consort Shun, of the Hu clan (順妃 胡氏)
• Zhu Bai, Prince Xian of Xiang (湘獻王 朱柏; 12 September 1371 – 18 May 1399), 12th son
• Consort Xian, of the Li clan (賢妃 李氏)
• Zhu Jing, Prince Ding of Tang (唐定王 朱桱; 11 October 1386 – 8 September 1415), 23rd son
• Consort Hui, of the Liu clan (惠妃 劉氏)
• Zhu Dong, Prince Jing of Ying (郢靖王 朱棟; 21 June 1388 – 14 November 1414), 24th son
• Consort Li, of the Ge clan (麗妃 葛氏)
• Zhu Yi, Prince Li of Yi (伊厲王 朱㰘; 9 July 1388 – 8 October 1414), 25th son
• Zhu Nan (朱楠; 4 January 1394 – February 1394), 26th son
• Consort Zhuangjinghui, of the Cui clan (莊靖惠妃 崔氏)
• Consort, of the Han clan (妃 韓氏) (韓妃 (明太祖)). She was an ethnic Korean from Goryeo.
• Zhu Zhi, Prince Jian of Liao (遼簡王 朱植; 24 March 1377 – 4 June 1424) (朱植), 15th son, ancestor of the last Ming Prince to refuse to capitulate to the Qing, Zhu Shugui, Prince Ningjing. Zhu Zhi's heirs used the generation names "Gui, Hao, En, Chong, Zhi, Yun, Reng, Qi, Bao, He, Xian, Shu, Yan, Zun, Ru, Cai, Han, Li, Long, Yu".
• Princess Hanshan (含山公主; 1381 – 18 October 1462), 14th daughter ((含山公主)
• Married Yin Qing (尹清) on 11 September 1394, and had issue (two sons)
• Consort, of the Yu clan (妃 余氏)
• Zhu Zhan, Prince Jing of Qing (慶靖王 朱㮵; 6 February 1378 – 23 August 1438), 16th son
• Consort, of the Yang clan (妃 楊氏)
• Zhu Quan, Prince Xian of Ning (寧獻王 朱權; 27 May 1378 – 12 October 1448), 17th son
• Consort, of the Zhou clan (妃 周氏)
• Zhu Pian, Prince Zhuang of Min (岷莊王 朱楩; 9 April 1379 – 10 May 1450), 18th son
• Zhu Song, Prince Xian of Han (韓憲王 朱松; 20 June 1380 – 19 November 1407), 20th son
• Meiren, of the Zhang clan (美人 張氏), personal name Xuanmiao (玄妙)
• Princess Baoqing (寶慶公主; 1394–1433), 16th daughter
• Married Zhao Hui (趙輝; 1387–1476) in 1413
• Lady, of the Lin clan (林氏)
• Princess Nankang (南康公主; 1373 – 15 November 1438), personal name Yuhua (玉華), 11th daughter
• Married Hu Guan (胡觀; d. 1403) in 1387, and had issue (one son)
• Lady, of the Gao clan (郜氏)
• Zhu Ying, Prince Zhuang of Su (肅莊王 朱楧; 10 October 1376 – 5 January 1420), 14th son
• Unknown
• Princess Chongning (崇寧公主), third daughter
• Married Niu Cheng (牛城) on 21 December 1384
• Zhu Qi, Prince of Zhao (趙王 朱杞; October 1369 – 16 January 1371), ninth son
• Princess Shouchun (壽春公主; 1370 – 1 August 1388), ninth daughter
• Married Fu Zhong (傅忠; d. 20 December 1394), the first son of Fu Youde, on 9 April 1386, and had issue (one son)
• Zhu Ying, Prince Hui of An (安惠王 朱楹; 18 October 1383 – 9 October 1417), 22nd son
In popular culture
• The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, a 1961–63 wuxia novel by Louis Cha. Zhu Yuanzhang appears as a minor character in the novel. Zhu Yuanzhang has been portrayed by various actors in the films and television series adapted from this novel.
Television series
• Born to be a King (大明群英), a 1987 Hong Kong television series produced by TVB and starring Simon Yam as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋), a 1993 Chinese television series produced by Beijing TV and starring Lü Qi as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• Empress Ma With Great Feet, a 2002 Chinese television series about Zhu Yuanzhang's wife, Empress Ma. Tang Guoqiang starred as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• Chuanqi Huangdi Zhu Yuanzhang, a 2006 Chinese television series starring Chen Baoguo as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• Founding Emperor of Ming Dynasty (朱元璋), a 2006 Chinese television series directed by Feng Xiaoning and starring Hu Jun as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• The Legendary Liu Bowen, a 2006–2008 Taiwanese television series about Zhu Yuanzhang's adviser, Liu Bowen. It was produced by TTV and starred Huo Zhengqi as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• Zhenming Tianzi (真命天子), a 2015 Chinese television series produced by Jian Yuanxin and starring Zhang Zhuowen as Zhu Yuanzhang.
• Love Through Different Times, a 2002 Chinese television comedy-drama that is considered the first time-travel television series produced in mainland China.

Read more...: 生平 早年經歷 起事討元 一統江南 南征北伐 建立明朝 駕崩與紀念 治國政策 政治改革 中央集權 鎮壓貪官 誅戮權臣 分封藩王 頒布法律 軍事管理 外交局面 海禁政策 經濟與戶籍管理 農業 人口 教育與文化政策 社會情況 宗教管理 生殉制度 評價 家族成員 父母兄姊 后妃 子女 兒子 女兒 後人 軼事典故 白話文聖旨 嗜殺 貼春聯和吃月餅 喝茶講和 藏寶圖 相關爭議 相貌之爭 文字獄 影視作品 電影 電視劇 戲曲電視劇 歌仔戲 文學作品 注釋
廖永忠和 朱亮祖 先後死於非命。隨後太祖以擅權枉法之罪名殺胡惟庸,又殺御史大夫陳寧、御史中丞塗節等人。之後李善長亦被牽連,家屬七十餘人被殺,總計株連者達三萬餘人。
洪武元年(1368年),朱元璋登基以後,為了鞏固自己的統治,他在嚴厲禁止、鎮壓白蓮教等民間秘密宗教的同時,即大力提倡尊朱崇儒,確立儒家思想、並大搞神道設教,扶植佛教和道教。洪武年間,朱元璋不僅耗費大量財力和物力,修繕靈谷寺、天界寺、天禧寺、能仁寺、雞鳴寺、棲霞寺等許多佛教寺院,還修複、重建朝天宮等一批道教宮觀,「凡道家所號天帝之宮,靡不崇飾」。(註:《金陵玄觀志》卷1,商輅:《奉敕重建朝天宮》。) 他還撥給寺觀、宮觀大量田土、蘆蕩,免除其稅糧和差役,並多次召集名僧舉辦法會,自己親戴皮弁,腰插玉圭,率領群臣頂禮膜拜,或徵召道士,舉辦齋醮祈雨,自己「設槁席露坐,晝曝于日中,頃刻不移,夜臥于地,衣不解帶」,(註:《明太祖實錄》卷53,洪武三年六月戊午。)可謂虔誠至極。他還多次召見名僧、道士,賜坐講論,有些應對稱旨的僧人甚至擢為大官,充當心腹耳目。朱元璋還應僧、道之請,設立善世院、玄教院,後改為僧錄司、道錄司,以名僧、道徒總領全國的佛教、道教事務。為了擴大佛、道的影響,朱元璋又命四方名僧點校《大藏經》(即《洪武南藏》),令宗泐、如玘等僧人重新箋釋《般若心經》、《金剛經》和《楞伽經》,親自為《心經》作序;並仿效唐宋君主,親為《道德經》作注,撰成《御注道德經》二卷,還撰寫了《周顛仙人傳》,廣行刊布。 明朝官方還多次組織刊刻卷帙浩大的佛藏和道藏。佛藏除《洪武南藏》外,還有《永樂南藏》、《永樂北藏》、《萬曆續北藏》以及藏文的《大藏經》,道藏則有《正統道藏》和《萬曆續道藏》。
• 《明清史事沉思錄》中記載,「傳謂男子宮刑,婦人幽閉,皆不知幽閉之義。今得之,乃是于牝(陰戶)去其筋,如制馬、豕之類,使慾火消減。國初常用此,而女往往多死,故不可行也。」對這種滅絕人性的手術,這本書的作者王春瑜評論道:「將人等同畜生處置,始作俑者其無後乎!」
• 明孝陵康熙題碑:「治隆唐宋」。
• 清朝官修正史《明史》張廷玉等對明太祖朱元璋最終能夠成就帝業的評價是:「帝天授智勇,統一方夏,緯武經文,為漢、唐、宋諸君所未及。當其肇造之初,能沉幾觀變,次第經略,綽有成算。嘗與諸臣論取天下之略,曰:『朕遭時喪亂,初起鄉土,本圖自全。及渡江以來,觀群雄所為,徒為生民之患,而張士誠、陳友諒尤為巨蠹。士誠恃富,友諒恃強,朕獨無所恃。惟不嗜殺人,布信義,行節儉,與卿等同心共濟。初與二寇相持,士誠尤逼近。或謂宜先擊之。朕以友諒志驕,士誠器小,志驕則好生事,器小則無遠圖,故先攻友諒。鄱陽之役,士誠卒不能出姑蘇一步以為之援。向使先攻士誠,浙西負固堅守,友諒必空國而來,吾腹背受敵矣。二寇既除,北定中原,所以先山東、次河洛,止潼關之兵不遽取秦、隴者,蓋擴廓帖木兒、李思齊、張思道皆百戰之餘,未肯遽下,急之則併力一隅,猝未易定,故出其不意,反旆而北。燕都既舉,然後西征。張、李望絕勢窮,不戰而克,然擴廓猶力抗不屈。向令未下燕都,驟與角力,勝負未可知也。』帝之雄才大略,料敵制勝,率類此。故能戡定禍亂,以有天下。語云『天道後起者勝』,豈偶然哉。」 清朝官修正史《明史》張廷玉等對明太祖朱元璋一生事業的評價是:「贊曰:太祖以聰明神武之資,抱濟世安民之志,乘時應運,豪傑景從,戡亂摧強,十五載而成帝業。崛起布衣,奄奠海宇,西漢以後所未有也。懲元政廢弛,治尚嚴峻。而能禮致耆儒,考禮定樂,昭揭經義,尊崇正學,加恩勝國,澄清吏治,修人紀,崇鳳都,正後宮名義,內治肅清,禁宦豎不得幹政,五府六部官職相維,置衛屯田,兵食俱足。武定禍亂,文致太平,太祖實身兼之。至于雅尚志節,聽蔡子英北歸。晚歲憂民益切,嘗以一歲開支河暨塘堰數萬以利農桑、備旱潦。用此子孫承業二百餘年,士重名義,閭閻充實。至今苗裔蒙澤,尚如東樓、白馬,世承先祀,有以哉。」
• 毛澤東在1964年3月24日,在一次聽取匯報時的插話中對明太祖朱元璋、漢高祖劉邦、元太祖成吉思汗的治國能力評價如下:「可不要看不起老粗。」「知識分子是比較最沒有知識的,歷史上當皇帝的,有許多是知識分子,是沒有出息的:隋煬帝,就是一個會做文章、詩詞的人;陳後主、李後主,都是能詩善賦的人;宋徽宗,既能寫詩又能繪畫。一些老粗能辦大事:成吉思汗,是不識字的老粗;劉邦,也不認識幾個字,是老粗;朱元璋也不識字,是個放牛的。」 毛澤東對明太祖朱元璋的軍事才能評價如下:「自古能君無出李世民之右者,其次則朱元璋耳。」
• 趙翼曾說:「藉諸功臣以取天下,及天下既定,即盡取天下之人而殺之,其殘忍實千古所未有。蓋雄猜好殺,本其天性。」「蓋明祖之性,實帝王,豪傑,盜賊兼而且也。」
• 商傳評價朱元璋:「朱元璋出身于一個貧苦家庭,從社會最底層的放牛娃、四處討飯的小和尚,全靠自己的奮鬥成了一個統一王朝的開國皇帝。這是中國曆史上,乃至世界歷史上絕無僅有的事情。另外,朱元璋當上皇帝後,也沒有停止步伐,他在位三十多年,成功地建立一個強大統一的明帝國」。
• 廖燕:「明太祖以制義取士,與秦焚書之術無異,特明巧而秦拙耳,其欲愚天下之心一也。」
• 馮桂芬《校邠廬抗議.改科舉議》記饒廷襄曰:「明祖以時文取士,其事為孔、孟明理載道之事,其術為唐宗『英雄入轂』之術,其心為始皇焚書坑儒之心。」
• 顧炎武《日知錄》卷一六《擬題》:「八股之害,等于焚書,而敗壞人心,有甚于咸陽之郊所坑者但四百六十餘人也。」
• 黃仁宇:明朝採取嚴格的中央集權,施政方針不著眼于提倡扶助先進的經濟,以增益全國財富,而是保護落後的經濟,以均衡的姿態維持王朝的安全。這種情形,在世界史中實屬罕見,在中國曆史中也以明代為甚,而其始作俑者厥為明太祖朱元璋。
• 魯迅《二心集》:二十多年前,都說朱元璋(明太祖)是民族的革命者,其實是並不然的,他做了皇帝以後,稱蒙古朝為『大元』,殺漢人比蒙古人還利害。奴才做了主人,是決不肯廢去『老爺』的稱呼的,他的擺架子,恐怕比他的主人還十足,還可笑。
• 錢穆:明太祖革命,驅除胡元,複興漢、唐規模,成為當時政治上共同的理想。但明太祖終是一粗人,歷史文化修養不深,他首先反對尊孟子為聖人。他在中國傳統政治史上,做了一件創古未有的大翻案,即是正式下令廢止宰相,改用內閣大學士。照法理講,內閣只是皇帝的私人辦公廳,不是政府正式的政事堂。內閣學士也只是皇帝的內廷秘書,不是外朝正式宰相之職。于是皇帝在法理上,便變成在政府里的真正領袖。
• 顧祖禹:「太祖起自東南,奄有西北,為古今異數。嘗考其用兵之法,實一出于孫吳,攻瑕搗虛,是以所向無敵。夫有取天下之志,而無取天下之略,自開闢以來,未見有成功者也。太祖明于先後緩急之宜,分合向背之理,始則決機于兩陳,繼直制勝于廟廊,大略同于漢高,精密媲于光武。」
• 趙翼:蓋明祖一人,聖賢、豪傑、盜賊之性,實兼而有之者也。
• 崔瑞德主編《劍橋中國明代史》:這位傑出的開國之君在14世紀40年代,從天災人禍和饑寒交迫的鐘離村,一躍而在1368年在南京登上大寶,他走的這條道路由于他自己的雄心壯志和力求飛黃騰達的意識,已被有力地強行改造,而使之具有符合那些傳統形式的合理的外貌。他精通怎樣取得帝王統治之術。作為此後的皇帝,他將使這種帝王之術適應他為之著了迷的帝王大業的需要。
• 父:朱世珍仁祖淳皇帝,原名朱五四
• 母:淳皇后陳氏
• 兄弟:朱興隆南昌王,朱興盛盱眙王,朱興祖臨淮王
• 姊妹:曹國公主、太原公主
• 皇后:馬皇后,宿州人,郭子興義女,朱元璋髮妻。
• 妃嬪:成穆貴妃孫氏、淑妃李氏、寧妃郭氏、郭惠妃、莊靖安榮惠妃崔氏、江貴妃、趙貴妃、昭敬充妃胡氏、鄭安妃、達定妃、胡順妃、李賢妃、劉惠妃、葛麗妃、韓妃、余妃、楊妃、周妃、張美人、郜氏、林氏。除以上妃嬪外,其餘不可考。或稱,包括十數名宮人在內的四十六名嬪御殉葬孝陵。
• 除髮妻馬皇后外,朱元璋早年妾室可考証的有孫氏、郭氏、達氏數人。
• 對其早期家庭生活亦有諸多傳聞。有甕妃、碽妃之說,其原為元順帝宮人,生下朱棣。或說朱梓母達氏為陳友諒妾,朱梓為陳友諒遺腹子。然皆無實証。朝鮮方面史料稱,周英贊、周誼之女為高麗進獻元朝的貢女,元順帝北逃後,入朱元璋後宮。或認為周妃是其中一人。
• 明初俞本所著《紀事錄》,至正十七年(1357年)「故元帥韋德成妻美,上令移居後庭,通而生子,名曰朱生。或諫曰:『故將之妻,不可納。』遂于本婦配總管胡汝名,朱生隨母往焉。」此前一年七月,韋德成、邵肆領兵攻宣州未成,韋德成溺死,邵肆陣亡。韋德成即寧正養父,而俞本是寧正部屬。龍鳳十三年(1365年),朱元璋「聞相國部下宣使熊義妹色美,欲納為宮人,令都事張來釋為媒,通言于熊義母,允納聘財訖,擇日歸內。來釋啟曰:『熊氏女許參政楊希武弟楊希聖久矣。』上怒曰:『汝既為媒,令臣民知吾之過。』立命將士提于內橋,眾刀斫為泥,示眾,追回財禮等物,仍令與楊希聖為婚,希聖終不敢娶。」
• 朱元璋殺害了很多拘禁在宮中的女人
• 《罪惟錄》提到,朱元璋葛麗妃和李賢妃、鄗寧妃(一說即郭寧妃)用大筐盛著尸體,送出太平門外,胡充妃拋尸城外,1390年處死達定妃,1398年迫李賢妃自縊,天潢玉牒提到迫李淑妃殉葬死。
• 《紀事錄》載,洪武年間宮廷內有大量浣衣罪婦,洪武二十九年,上疑其通外,將婦女五千餘人,俱剝皮貯草以示眾,守門宦者如之。(明初,常見剝皮之刑。朱元璋反腐中常用于貪官。)
• 朱元璋死後,以妃嬪和宮人進行殉葬。「洪武三十一年七月,建文帝以張鳳、李衡、趙福、張弼、汪賓、孫瑞、王斌、楊忠、林良、李成、張敏、劉政由錦衣衛所試百戶散騎帶刀舍人,進為本所千、百戶,其官皆世襲。以諸人皆西宮殉葬宮人父兄,世所稱朝天女戶者也。」
• 朱元璋白話文聖旨之一:朱元璋時期,某群島有倭寇來犯,地方官吏問咋辦,朱元璋一道聖旨說:「奉天承運皇帝詔曰:告訴百姓每(們),準備好刀子,這幫傢伙來了,殺了再說。欽此。」
• 朱元璋白話文聖旨之二:洪武三年(1370年)11月26日給戶部下發的清查登記戶口的指示:「說與戶部官知道,如今天下太平了也,只是戶口不明白哩。教中書省置天下戶口的勘合文簿戶帖,你每(們)戶部家出榜去,教那有司官將他所管的應有百姓,都教入官附名字,寫著他家人口多少,寫得真著,與那百姓一個戶帖,上用半印勘合,都取勘來了。我這大軍如今不出征了,都教去各州縣裡下著,繞地里去點戶比勘合,比著的便是好百姓,比不著的,便拿來作軍。比到其間,有司官吏隱瞞了的,將那有司官吏處斬。百姓每(們)自躲避了的,依律要了罪過,拿來作軍。欽此。」
• 朱元璋白話文聖旨之三:洪武年間,第一任國子監祭酒(校長)宗訥秉承朱元璋的旨意,制訂了許多嚴苛的規章條文,以至于學生中有被餓死吊死的。因此曾引發過兩次學潮。其中第二次學潮是,一位名叫趙麟的太學生,寫了一張沒頭帖子(匿名大字報)。朱元璋聞訊之後,龍顏大怒,下令將趙麟梟首示眾。事情過去十年之後,朱元璋仍然余怒未消,就跑到國子監訓了一通話。這一通訓話,今天完整地保留在北京國子監的一塊石碑上。全文如下:恁學生每(們)聽著:先前那個宗訥做祭酒呵,學規好生嚴肅,秀才每循規蹈矩,都肯向學,所以教出來的個個中用,朝廷好生得人。後來他善終了,以禮送他回鄉安葬,沿路上著有司官祭他。近年著那老秀才每做祭酒呵,他每都懷著異心,不肯教誨,把宗訥的學規都改壞了,所以生徒全不務學,用著他呵,好生壞事!如今著那年紀小的秀才官人每來署學事,他定的學規,恁每當依著行。敢有抗拒不服,撒潑皮,違犯學規的,若祭酒來奏著恁呵,都不饒!全家發向煙瘴地面去,或充軍,或充吏,或做首領官。今後學規嚴緊,若有無籍之徒,敢有似前貼沒頭帖子,誹謗師長的,許諸人出首,或綁縛將來,賞大銀兩個。若先前貼了票子,有知道的,或出首,或綁縛將來呵,也一般賞他大銀兩個。將那犯人凌遲了,梟令在監前,全家抄沒,人口發往煙瘴地面。欽此!」
• 朱元璋賜外甥曹國公李文忠詔令:「老舅家書付保兒:教你知道驢馬(驢馬即朱元璋之侄、大都督朱文正小名)做的人。當自從守住江西,好生的行事不依法度。近來我的令旨,為開按察司衙門,他三日不接,我言教在江上打著船,便似叫化的一般。他又差人往浙西城子裡官賣物事,及至開我令旨,不許軍民頭目來聽。密行號令,但有按察司里告狀的,割了舌頭,全家處死。在那裡奸人家妻女,多端不仁。我禁人休去張家那下買鹽,他從江西自立批文,直至張家鹽場買鹽,江上把截的不敢擋,盡他往來。南台城裡倉與庫四處,俱各有物,其餘多等不仁不孝的勾當。我心裡悶,說不的許多。保兒且知道這幾件。你父親到時,自有話與他說也。保兒守城子,休學驢馬。你想你母親,你便休惱我。凡事依首領官行,那家好男子,他好公主的父親,以致這弟(闕)做的事。好驢馬所言。驢馬者,朱文正也。的令史都弄(此下年久損落不可考)」
• 朱元璋白話文聖旨之四:《諭西番罕都必喇等詔》:奉天承運的皇帝教說與西番地面里應有的土官每知道者:俺將一切強歹的人都拿了,俺大位子裡坐地有。為這般上頭,諸處里人都來我行拜見了,俺與了賞賜名分,教他依舊本地裡面快活去了。似這般呵,已自十年了。止有西番罕東畢里巴一撒他每這火人,為甚麼不將差發來,又不與俺馬匹牛羊?!今便差人將俺的言語去開與西番每知道,若將合納的差發認了,送將來時,便不征他;若不差人將差發來呵,俺著人馬往那裡行也者!教西番每知道。俺聽得說,你每釋伽佛根前、和尚每根前好生多與布施,麼道那的是十分好勾當,你每做了者,那的便是修那再生的福。有俺如今掌管著眼前的禍福哩,你西番每怕也那不怕?你若怕時節呵,將俺每禮拜著!將差發敬將來者!俺便教你每快活者,不著軍馬往你地面里來,你眾西番每知道者!
• 朱元璋白話文聖旨之五:洪武八年(1375年)給西安行都衛下發的關于接待烏思藏僧人的指示:皇帝聖旨:中書省官我根前題奏,西安行都衛文書里呈來,說烏思藏哈爾麻剌麻卒爾普寺在那裡住坐修行。我想修行是好的勾當,教他穩便在那裡住坐,諸色人等休教搔擾。說與那地面里官人每知道者。
• 高皇微行大中橋傍,聞一人言繁刑者,語近不遜。上怒,遂幸徐武寧第,武寧已出,夫人出迎,上問:「王安在?」夫人對以:「何事、在何所。」夫人慾命召,止之。乃曰:「嫂知吾怒乎?」夫人謝:「不知。」因大懼,恐為王也,叩首請其故。上曰:「吾,為人欺侮。」又請之,上怒甚,不言。久之,命左右往召某兵官,帥兵三千,持兵來,上默坐以待之。夫人益懼,以為決屠其家也,又不敢呼王。少頃兵至,上令二兵官,守大中、淮清二橋,使兵自東而西,誅之,當時頓滅數千家。上坐以伺,返命乃興。
• 元宵都城張燈,太祖微行至聚寶門外,見民間張一燈,上繪一大足婦人,懷一西瓜而坐,上意其有淮西婦人大足之訕,乃剿除一家九族三百餘口,鄰里俱發充軍。
• 洪武中,歐陽都尉挾四妓飲,事覺,逮妓急,妓分必死,大毀其貌,以往。一老胥謂曰:「予我千金,能免爾死。」妓與之半。胥曰:「上,位神聖,寧不知若曹之侈肆?慎不可欺,當如常貌,更加飾耳。」妓曰:「何如?」曰:「須沐浴靚潔,以脂粉香,澤面與身,令香透徹而肌理,極其妍艷。首飾衣裝,悉以金寶錦繡,雖裡衣褻裙,不可以寸素間之。務窮盡妖麗,能奪目蕩心則可。問其詞,一味哀呼而已。」妓從之。比見上,上令自陳,妓無一言,上顧左右曰:「綁起,殺了。」妓解衣就縛,自外及內備極華爛,繪彩珍具堆積滿地,照耀左右,至裸體,膚肉如玉,香聞遠近。上曰:「個小妮子,使我見,也當惑了。那廝可知哩。」即叱放之。
• 朱元璋在南京定都以後曾令「公卿士庶家,門上須加春聯一副」,還要求對聯所用的紙箋必須硃砂染色,名為「萬年紅」。「紅」和「朱」同義,寓意為大明王朝江山永固。。
• 早在徐達攻下元大都之後,朱元璋曾命以當年起兵時秘密傳遞消息所用「月餅」作為賞賜群臣的節令糕點。在八月十五中秋節吃月餅的同時還流傳著「八月十五殺韃子」的傳說。
• 金庸《倚天屠龍記》
• 黃易《覆雨翻雲》
Source | Relation | from-date | to-date |
周顛仙傳 | creator | ||
御注道德經 | creator | ||
明律 | creator | ||
資治通訓 | creator | ||
集注金剛經 | creator | ||
明成祖 | father | ||
朱㮵 | father | ||
朱㰘 | father | ||
朱杞 | father | ||
朱松 | father | ||
朱柏 | father | ||
朱桂 | father | ||
朱桱 | father | ||
朱梓 | father | ||
朱棟 | father | ||
朱棡 | father | ||
朱植 | father | ||
朱椿 | father | ||
朱楠 | father | ||
朱楧 | father | ||
朱楨 | father | ||
朱楩 | father | ||
朱楹 | father | ||
朱榑 | father | ||
朱樉 | father | ||
朱標 | father | ||
朱模 | father | ||
朱橚 | father | ||
朱橞 | father | ||
朱檀 | father | ||
朱權 | father | ||
洪武 | ruler | 1368/1/23洪武元年正月乙亥 | 1398/6/24洪武三十一年閏五月乙酉 |
Text | Count |
清史稿 | 24 |
明太祖寶訓 | 400 |
新元史 | 38 |
欽定續文獻通考 | 1 |
清史紀事本末 | 1 |
皇明紀略 | 28 |
明史 | 215 |
大越史記全書 | 7 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 88 |
御批歷代通鑑輯覽 | 2 |
革除逸史 | 1 |
清實錄雍正朝實錄 | 1 |
海寇記 | 1 |
明史紀事本末 | 105 |
海東逸史 | 2 |
千頃堂書目 | 3 |
海國圖志 | 1 |
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