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-> 楚熊延

楚熊延[View] [Edit] [History]

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Xiong Yan (熊延, died 848 BC) was the ninth viscount of the state of Chu during the Western Zhou Dynasty of ancient China. Like other early Chu rulers, he held the hereditary noble rank of viscount first granted to his ancestor Xiong Yi by King Cheng of Zhou.

Xiong Yan succeeded his older brother Xiong Zhi, who abdicated due to illness. The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) says that he killed Xiong Zhi and usurped the throne, but this account is contradicted by earlier history books Zuo Zhuan and Guoyu.

Xiong Yan died in 848 BC and was succeeded by his elder son Xiong Yong. His younger son, also Xiong Yan (熊嚴, different in Chinese characters), ascended the throne after Xiong Yong's death.

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熊延(? - 前847年),姓,氏,名,原名執疵,亦稱摯瑕,是楚熊渠的少子。熊渠有三子:長子熊康(熊毋康)、次子熊紅(熊摯紅)、少子執疵。熊渠立少子執疵為越章王,越章王執疵發動政變,弒次兄鄂王熊摯紅代立為君,改名熊延。前847年熊延卒,子熊勇立。

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