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-> 景明王

景明王[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 景明王元年八月戊寅
    to-date 景明王八年八月丙申
Gyeongmyeong of Silla (died 924) (r. 917–924) was the 54th ruler of the Korean kingdom of Silla. He was the eldest son of King Sindeok and Princess Uiseong. He ruled during the Later Three Kingdoms period, when much of his country's former domain was divided between Hubaekje and Taebong.

In 918, Wang Geon overthrew Gung Ye, who had been the ruler of Taebong, and established Goryeo. Gyeongmyeong joined forces with him in 920, and their allied armies were able to repel a Hubaekje assault on Daeya Castle. However, after this many border commanders chose to desert Silla in favor of Later Goguryeo, so Gyeongmyeong was left no better off than before.

King Gyeongmyeong sought to get aid from Tang China, and sent missions bearing tribute, but was unsuccessful.

After his death in 924, King Gyeongmyeong was buried to the north of Hwangboksa temple.

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景明王(? - 924年);姓升英,是新罗国君主,神德王之子,母资成王后金氏。在位八年,諡景明,弟朴魏膺继位。


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