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酈道元[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:477550
Li Daoyuan used his position as an official with business in different places to carry field investigations. He is known to have visited the area belonging to the present-day Henan, Shandong, Shanxi, and Jiangsu provinces.
Another source for his knowledge was the study of ancient geographical books he had access to, like the Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shanhaijing) completed by the time of the early Western Han Dynasty) and the Water Classic (Shuijing), written by Sang Qin during the Three Kingdoms Period and later commentated on by Jin dynasty writer Guo Pu. Li vastly expanded the Water Classic, doing his own research and fieldwork. The original Water Classic has not survived but covered 127 rivers and streams and contained about 10,000 characters; Li Daoyuan's Commentary on the Waterways Classic (Shui Jing Zhu), discusses 1252 watercourses and contains about 300,000 characters in total. The book maps and describes the rivers and streams along with the history, geography and culture of the surrounding region.
Read more...: 生平 《水經注》 得罪權豪 為國殉職 成就 注釋
Source | Relation |
水經注 | creator |
Text | Count |
滇略 | 1 |
浙江通志 | 1 |
河南通志 | 2 |
全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文 | 3 |
御定佩文齋書畫譜 | 2 |
西河集 | 1 |
御定淵鑑類函 | 2 |
宋元學案 | 1 |
大清一統志 | 24 |
陝西通志 | 2 |
山堂肆考 | 2 |
四川通志 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 28 |
古樂苑 | 5 |
資治通鑑 | 3 |
通志 | 4 |
直齋書錄解題 | 2 |
御批歷代通鑑輯覽 | 2 |
苕溪漁隱叢話 | 1 |
巵林 | 2 |
皇朝通志 | 1 |
天中記 | 3 |
魏書 | 2 |
廣陽雜記 | 1 |
蜀中廣記 | 3 |
江西通志 | 2 |
冊府元龜 | 2 |
湖廣通志 | 2 |
山西通志 | 3 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 3 |
氏族大全 | 2 |
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