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皇甫謐[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:526417
Huangfu Mi (215–282), courtesy name Shi'an, was a Chinese physician, essayist, historian, poet, and writer who lived through the late Eastern Han dynasty, Three Kingdoms period and early Western Jin dynasty. He was born in a poor farming family in present-day Sanli village, Chaona, Pingliang, despite being a great-grandson of the famous general Huangfu Song.
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皇甫謐(215年 - 282年),字士安,幼名靜,自號玄晏先生,安定朝那縣(今寧夏回族自治區固原市彭陽縣)人,西晉學者、醫學家。
Read more...: 生平 著作 名人故里之爭|故里之爭 古文尚書的作偽嫌疑人 註釋
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Source | Relation |
帝王世紀 | creator |
甲乙經 | creator |
逸士傳 | creator |
高士傳 | creator |
Text | Count |
清史稿 | 3 |
七修類稿 | 1 |
王隱晉書 | 2 |
新唐書 | 3 |
全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文 | 3 |
御定佩文齋書畫譜 | 2 |
陔餘叢考 | 1 |
三國志 | 1 |
御定淵鑑類函 | 8 |
萬姓統譜 | 2 |
大清一統志 | 4 |
隋書 | 5 |
鐵琴銅劍樓藏書目錄 | 1 |
山堂肆考 | 4 |
皇朝文獻通考 | 1 |
原抄本日知錄 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 22 |
文獻通考 | 1 |
陶淵明集 | 1 |
古樂苑 | 3 |
資治通鑑 | 1 |
古詩紀 | 2 |
通志 | 2 |
直齋書錄解題 | 1 |
苕溪漁隱叢話 | 1 |
白孔六帖 | 4 |
晉書 | 2 |
天中記 | 6 |
廣西通志 | 2 |
南齊書 | 1 |
名賢氏族言行類稿 | 2 |
冊府元龜 | 14 |
湖廣通志 | 1 |
山西通志 | 2 |
史記 | 29 |
宋史 | 3 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 1 |
弇州山人四部稿 | 1 |
氏族大全 | 2 |
文選 | 17 |
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