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Data wiki -> 鍾嶸
鍾嶸[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:544049
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | person | |
name | 鍾嶸 | |
name-style | 仲偉 | 《四庫全書總目提要·卷195 集部·詩文評類一》:嶸字仲偉,潁川長社人。 |
born | 468 | |
died | 518 | |
authority-viaf | 20487745 | |
authority-wikidata | Q6353207 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 鍾嶸 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Zhong_Rong |

Zhong Rong wrote about the more philosophical of the poems written during the time period of the reign period of Yongjia, near the end of the Western Jin Dynasty, saying that overemphasizing the lofty ideas of the Yellow Emperor (Xuan Yuan) and Laozi resulted in "bland and tasteless" poetry.
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.

Read more...: 特色 重要主張 《詩品》貢獻及爭議
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Source | Relation |
詩品 | creator |
Text | Count |
河南通志 | 2 |
喻林 | 12 |
御定淵鑑類函 | 2 |
大清一統志 | 2 |
山堂肆考 | 2 |
御定駢字類編 | 6 |
清稗類鈔 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 20 |
通志 | 2 |
直齋書錄解題 | 2 |
御批歷代通鑑輯覽 | 2 |
名賢氏族言行類稿 | 2 |
冊府元龜 | 4 |
山西通志 | 3 |
千頃堂書目 | 1 |
氏族大全 | 2 |
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