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-> 智證麻立干

智證麻立干[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 智證麻立干元年十二月丙寅
    to-date 智證麻立干十五年七月丙子
Jijeung of Silla (437–514) (r. 500–514) was the 22nd ruler of the Korean kingdom of Silla. He is remembered for strengthening royal authority and building Silla into a centralized kingdom.

Like many Silla kings, Jijeung was of royal blood on both sides. His father was the Galmunwang Kim Seup-bo, who was a grandson of Naemul Isageum. His mother was Lady Josaeng, the daughter of Nulji Isageum.

Jijeung began his program of legal reform in 502, when he outlawed the custom of burying servants with their masters. In 503, he formally established the country's name as "Silla," it having previously been represented by a variety of Chinese characters. At the same time, he took the title of wang, meaning "king"; he had previously borne the native Silla title of maripgan.

Jijeung continued this program in the following years, with a reform of ceremonial dress in 504 and of local administration in 505. In that reform, he incorporated the old territory of Siljik-guk into the Silla administrative system. He established a market in eastern Gyeongju in 509. In 512, he sent Kim Isabu to conquer the island nation of Usan-guk.

After his death, Jijeung received a temple name, the name by which he is now known. He was the first Silla king to receive a temple name.

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智證王(436年 - 514年)姓智大路智度路智哲老,是新羅第22代君主。奈勿麻立幹與保反夫人的曾孫,卜好公(寶海)與聖明夫人之孫,習寶與鳥生公主之子,炤知麻立幹再從弟,曾祖母保反夫人為味鄒王與光明王后之女,祖母聖明夫人為奈勿王與內留夫人之女,母鳥生公主金氏為納祗麻立幹與阿孝夫人之女,正妃延帝夫人樸氏,伊飡登欣與牟梁宮主之女。


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