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Data wiki -> 釋名
釋名[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:576004

This dictionary is linguistically invaluable because it records the pronunciation of an Eastern Han Chinese dialect. Sinologists have used their data to approximate the dates of phonological changes, such as the loss of consonant clusters which took place between Old Chinese and Middle Chinese.
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Text | Count |
七修類稿 | 1 |
新唐書 | 1 |
陔餘叢考 | 1 |
隨園詩話 | 1 |
鐵琴銅劍樓藏書目錄 | 5 |
皇朝文獻通考 | 1 |
原抄本日知錄 | 3 |
御定駢字類編 | 5 |
清稗類鈔 | 1 |
浪跡叢談 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 10 |
文獻通考 | 6 |
古樂苑 | 1 |
資治通鑑 | 1 |
直齋書錄解題 | 1 |
楝亭書目 | 1 |
宋史 | 2 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 1 |
弇州山人四部稿 | 1 |
文選 | 19 |
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