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-> 釋道宣

釋道宣[View] [Edit] [History]

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associated-dynastydynasty:唐四庫全書總目提要·卷145 子部·釋家類》:唐釋道宣撰。
Daoxuan (道宣 Dàoxuān|w=Tao-hsüan; 596–667) was the Chinese Buddhist monk and patriarch of the Vinaya school, who wrote both the Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks (續高僧傳 Xù gāosēng zhuàn) and Standard Design for Buddhist Temple Construction. In legends he is attributed with the transmission of the Buddha relic called Daoxuan's tooth, one of the four tooth relics enshrined in the capital of Chang'an during the Tang dynasty. He is said to have received the relic during a night visit from a divinity associated with Indra.

Daoxuan wrote five commentaries on the Vinaya known as the Five Great Works of Mount Zhongnan. He also was part of the translation team that assisted Xuanzang in translating sutras from Sanskrit into Chinese.

Daoxuan was also a noted and influential bibliographer. His catalogue of Buddhist scriptures 《大唐內典錄》 Catalogue of the Inner Canon of the Great Tang aka Nèidiǎn Catalog (T2149) in 10 scrolls (卷) was commissioned by the Emperor Gaozong and completed in 664. The Nèidiǎn Catalog helped to define the shape of the Chinese Buddhist Canon in future years. Influenced by the apocalyptic Mo-fa or theory of the end of the Dharma, Daoxuan was particularly concerned to expose and denounce suspicious (疑偽) or fake (偽) sutras. He witnessed wholesale burning of texts suspected of being fake. The Nèidiǎn Catalog is also notable for being the first bibliographical work to attribute the Heart Sutra to Xuánzàng who died the same year as the catalogue was completed.

Daoxuan is also noted for his admonishments to the Emperor Tang Gaozong for issuing an edict requiring monastics to bow before the emperor. His admonishments succeeded in the cancellation of that edict.

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道宣(596年 - 667年),俗姓唐朝吳興(今浙江湖州市)人。一說丹徒(今江蘇省鎮江市丹徒區)人,生於長安。為漢傳佛教律宗南山宗初祖,初依智首律師聽習律藏。纔得一遍、便欲歸山坐禪。和尚教曰:「戒淨定明、慧方有據;始聽未閑、持犯焉識。」又往聽律十遍、復欲坐禪。和尚曰:「更聽十遍、可遂汝心。」又往律筵、依位伏業。時首律師命令覆講、始不敢受、辭不獲已、方乃覆文。聽二十遍、時經六載。道宣律師居終南山、後世因稱其撰述曰南山律。南山以法華涅槃諸義、而釋通四分律。貫攝兩乘、囊包三藏、遺編雜集、攢聚成宗。其撰述最著者、為《四分律刪繁補闕行事鈔》、《四分律含註戒本疏》、《四分律隨機羯磨疏》,世稱為「南山三大部」。與玄奘大師(602年-664年)為同期聖僧。

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