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-> 西川王

西川王[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 西川王元年十一月壬午
    to-date 西川王二十三年二月丁丑
King Seocheon of Goguryeo (died 292, r. 270–292) was the 13th ruler of Goguryeo, the northernmost of the Three Kingdoms of Korea. He was the second son of King Jungcheon, and was confirmed as Crown Prince in 255. He ascended the throne upon his father's death in 270. In the first lunar month of 271, he married Usu, the daughter of the daesaja of Seo-bu, to be his queen.

In 280, the Sushen people invaded and the king sent his younger brother Go Dal-ga to repel them. Dal-ga took the fortress, Dallo and killed its lord, and moved about 600 Sushen households to southern Buyeo. Subjugating 6 or 8 villages of Sushen, King Seocheon made Dal-ga the Prince of National Peace (Anguk-gun) and gave him control of the army, and of the Sushen and Yangmaek tribes. In 286, Seocheon's younger brothers Go Il-u and Go So-bal led an insurrection, but the rebellion failed and they were slain.

King Seocheon died in 292, after 23 years on the throne. He was buried at Seocheonwon, and accordingly received the temple name of "Seocheon." His masoleum is considered to have been stolen around 296 when another nomadic people invaded Goguryeo in the reign of Bongsang.

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西川王西壤王,? - 292年),高句丽第13任君主,名药卢若友,270年-292年在位。255年被立为太子,270年继位。




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