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Data wiki -> 朱聿鍵
朱聿鍵[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:695386
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | person | |
name | 朱聿鍵 | |
born | 1602 | |
died | 1646 | |
authority-cbdb | 66012 | |
authority-ddbc | 6700 | |
authority-sinica | 9542 | |
authority-viaf | 58792039 | |
authority-wikidata | Q45697 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 隆武帝 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Zhu_Yujian |
Zhu Yujian (朱聿鍵 Zhū Yùjiàn; 1602 – 6 October 1646), the Prince of Tang, reigned as the Longwu Emperor (隆武 Lóngwǔ) of the Southern Ming dynasty from 18 August 1645, when he was enthroned in Fuzhou, to 6 October 1646, when he was captured and executed by a contingent of the Qing army. He was an eighth generation descendant of Zhu Jing, Prince Ding of Tang, who was the 23rd son of Ming founder Zhu Yuanzhang.
Read more...: Early life As emperor Personality Ancestry
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
明紹宗朱聿鍵(1602年5月25日 - 1646年),又稱隆武帝,小字長壽,南明第二代皇帝。原為唐王,為明太祖朱元璋二十三子唐王朱桱的八世孫(與明神宗同輩份),祖父唐端王朱碩熿,父為唐王之子朱器墭,母宣皇后毛氏。1644年,明思宗在北京自縊。1645年,南明安宗弘光帝被俘,鄭芝龍、黃道周等人扶唐王朱聿鍵於福州登基稱帝,改元為隆武並與同年開鑄「隆武通寶」,而弘光帝在翌年,才被清廷所殺。
Read more...: 生平經歷 身世 監國、稱帝 覆亡 陵墓 家庭 后妃 子女 兒子 注釋
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Text | Count |
清史稿 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 3 |
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