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-> 阿魯台

阿魯台[View] [Edit] [History]

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明史·本紀第九 宣宗》:己巳,瓦剌脫歡攻殺阿魯台,來告捷。
    from-date 永樂十一年七月戊寅
明史·本紀第六 成祖二》:秋七月戊寅,封阿魯台為和寧王。
Arughtai, also known as Alutai (阿魯台; d. 1434), was a chingsang of the Northern Yuan dynasty based on the Mongolian Plateau, who fought against the Yongle Emperor of the Ming dynasty and the Four Oirats.

According to the Mongolian and Chinese chronicles, there are similar named figures among the Western and Eastern Mongols. One of them named Asud Arugtai was a war prisoner of the Oirats, who was released by the Borjigin princess Samur while another person, Alutai, raided the Chinese districts. Whatever his origin, the Oirad leaders, Gulichi and Mahamud, overthrew Elbeg Khan in 1399; and the former had himself enthroned as Khagan who appointed Arugtai or Alutai chingsang (councillor). However, Mahamud and Arughtai defeated Ugetchi or Gulichi; and Mahamud himself died soon after that.

In 1409 Alutai (Arughtai) set up the heir, Öljei Temür Khan Bunyashiri, of the Yuan dynasty at Beshbalik, and ignored Ming demands for satisfaction regarding the murder of an envoy in the previous year. War followed, in which at first Alutai was successful, owing to the rashness of the Ming dynasty; but in the following year he was beaten and fled. In 1413, for promising help against the Oirads, he received the title of Prince Hening (和寧) and sent a mission to the Ming dynasty. Beaten by the Oirads, he sought refuge on the Chinese frontier; but as soon as his strength increased, he renewed his raids. The Emperor marched against him in 1422, 1423, and 1424, but Alutai never risked a pitched battle and supported Adai Khan against the Oirads. Ten years later he was surprised and slain by Oirads under Toghan (Esen's father), and his son submitted to the Ming dynasty.

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阿魯台(;? - 1434年),《蒙古源流》作太師阿嚕克台,為15世紀蒙古阿蘇特的領袖。他聯合瓦剌領袖馬哈木,擊敗蒙古另一位酋長烏格齊,擁立本雅失里為汗。1408年後,他又與蒙古西部的瓦剌部貴族攻戰不已,擁立阿岱汗為傀儡可汗。1414年,1423年兩次與明朝正式敵對作戰。雖然1423年戰役中,他遭遇敗績,不過班師回朝的明成祖回程中染病身亡。和田清認為阿齋是阿魯台在永樂二十一年殺死的本主。所以阿齋子脫脫不花依附瓦剌脫歡攻打阿魯台。1434年(宣德九年),脫脫不花和瓦剌脫歡攻殺阿魯台。

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