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-> 郭侃

郭侃[View] [Edit] [History]

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Guo Kan (郭侃 Guō Kǎn, 1217–1277 AD) was a Chinese general who served the Mongol Empire in their conquest of China and the West. He descended from a lineage of Chinese generals. Both his father and grandfather served under Genghis Khan, while his forefather Guo Ziyi was a famous general of the Chinese Tang dynasty.

Guo Kan became the first governor of Baghdad during Mongol rule and was instrumental in devising the strategy for the siege of Baghdad (1258). He served as a Mongol commander and was in charge of Chinese artillery units under the Yuan dynasty. He was one of the Han Chinese legions that served the Mongol Empire, and some of the later conquests of the Mongols were done by armies under his command. The biography of this Han commander in the History of Yuan said that Guo Kan's presence struck so much fear in his foes that they called him the "Divine Man".

Read more...: Birth and lineage   Military legacy   Middle East and Europe   China   As an example of Mongol meritocracy  

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郭侃(1217年 - 1277年),字仲和,山西汾陽人,蒙古西征將領,曾隨旭烈兀帶兵攻打至西亞。後出任元朝官員。(因被漢人貴族史天澤收養,不列入「南人」部)。西元1252年跟隨旭烈兀遠征西亞,獨自在西亞屢破伊斯蘭軍隊百二十餘城、破十字軍百八十餘城,討伐了諸多國家其足跡越過喀什米爾,為其征服之地的人們所畏懼,乃至對手驚呼「東天將軍,神人也」。

Read more...: 生平   子女   延伸閱讀  

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