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Data wiki -> 劉伉
劉伉[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:818142
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | person | |
name | 劉伉 | |
born | 50 | |
father | person:漢章帝 | 《後漢書·卷三·帝紀第三肅宗孝章皇帝》:辛卯,封皇子伉為千乘王, |
authority-wikidata | Q6852702 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 劉伉 | |
held-office | office:千乘王 | 《後漢書·卷三·帝紀第三肅宗孝章皇帝》:辛卯,封皇子伉為千乘王, |
from-date 建初四年四月辛卯 79/5/26 |
千乘貞王劉伉公元1世紀78年前 - 93年,漢章帝長子,生母不詳。
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
Source | Relation |
劉寵 | father |
Text | Count |
後漢書 | 4 |
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