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-> 司馬倫

司馬倫[View] [Edit] [History]

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name-style子彞晉書·列傳第二十九 汝南文成王亮{{子粹矩 子祐羕 宗熙}}楚隱王瑋 趙王倫 齊王冏{{鄭方}} 長沙王乂 成都王穎 河間王顒 東海孝獻王越》:趙王倫,字子彞,宣帝第九子也,母曰柏夫人。
fatherperson:司馬懿晉書·列傳第八 宣五王{{平原王榦 琅邪王伷子覲、澹、繇、漼 清惠亭侯京嗣子機 扶風王駿子暢、歆 梁王肜}} 文六王{{齊王攸子蕤、贊、寔 城陽王兆 遼東王定國 廣漢王廣德 樂安王鑒 樂平王延祚}}》:宣帝九男,穆張皇后生景帝、文帝、平原王幹,伏夫人生汝南文成王亮、琅邪武王伷、清惠亭侯京、扶風武王駿,張夫人生梁王肜,柏夫人生趙王倫。
Sima Lun (sim. ch. 司马伦, trad. ch. 司馬倫, py. sī mǎ lún, wg. Ssu-ma Lun) (poisoned June 5, 301), courtesy name Ziyi (子彛), was titled the Prince of Zhao (pinyin: zhào wáng, simplified Chinese: 赵王, traditional Chinese: 趙王) and the usurper of the Jin Dynasty from February 3 to May 30, 301. He is usually not counted in the list of Jin emperors due to his brief reign, and was often mentioned by historians as an example of a wicked usurper. He was the third of the eight princes commonly associated with the War of the Eight Princes.

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司馬倫(240年 - 301年),字子彞,西晉的第三位皇帝,也是西晉八王之亂中其中一王。司馬懿第九子,母柏夫人

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