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-> 張豺

張豺[View] [Edit] [History]

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Zhang Chai was a minister of Later Zhao during the Sixteen Kingdoms period. He was a close ally to Shi Hu's empress, Empress Liu, who helped her establish themselves as the paramount leaders of Zhao through her son Shi Shi following the death of Shi Hu in 349. The pair attempted to centralize their power and eliminate their rivals, but a popular coup led by Shi Zun saw their reign barely lasting a month as they were removed and subsequently executed. Despite the coup, it would soon be known as the beginning of a bigger power struggle within the Shi family over the throne that led to the destruction of Later Zhao in 351 in the hands of Ran Min.

Read more...: Early life and career   Supporting Shi Shi to the throne   Brief control over the government  

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張豺? - 349年,廣平人。十六國時後趙大臣。

Read more...: 生平  

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