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大學士[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:843807
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | office | |
name | 大學士 | |
authority-wikidata | Q1208709 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 大学士 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Grand_Secretariat |
The Grand Secretariat (內閣 Nèigé; Manchu: dorgi yamun) was nominally a coordinating agency but de facto the highest institution in the imperial government of the Chinese Ming dynasty. It first took shape after the Hongwu Emperor abolished the office of Chancellor (of the Zhongshu Sheng) in 1380 and gradually evolved into an effective coordinating organ superimposed on the Six Ministries. There were altogether six Grand Secretaries (內閣大學士; Manchu: ashan bithei da), though the posts were not always filled. The most senior one was popularly called Senior Grand Secretary (首輔, shǒufǔ). The Grand Secretaries were nominally mid-level officials, ranked much lower than the Ministers, heads of the Ministries. However, since they screened documents submitted to the emperor from all governmental agencies, and had the power of drafting suggested rescripts for the emperor, generally known as piàonǐ (票擬) or tiáozhǐ (條旨), some senior Grand Secretaries were able to dominate the whole government, acting as de facto Chancellor. The word nèigé itself also became to refer modern cabinet in Chinese.
The Grand Secretariat system was adopted by the Lê dynasty and Nguyễn dynasty of Vietnam. It was also adopted by the Qing dynasty, however, it was only the de jure highest institution during Qing dynasty.
Read more...: Evolution Rank of Grand Secretaries Titles of Grand Secretary In China In Vietnam
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Source | Relation | from-date |
文安之 | held-office | 1647/3/6 - 1647/4/4永曆元年二月 |
王錫袞 | held-office | 1647/3/6 - 1647/4/4永曆元年二月 |
車克 | held-office | 1662/8/14康熙壬寅年七月壬申 |
成克鞏 | held-office | 1662/11/12康熙壬寅年十月壬寅 |
孫廷銓 | held-office | 1663/6/14康熙癸卯年五月丙子 |
班布爾善 | held-office | 1667/3/16康熙丁未年二月丁卯 |
杜立德 | held-office | 1669/5/10康熙己酉年四月癸酉 |
索額圖 | held-office | 1669/9/18康熙己酉年八月甲申 |
熊賜履 | held-office | 1675/4/24康熙乙卯年三月戊子 |
勒德洪 | held-office | 1677/8/27康熙丁巳年七月甲辰 |
王熙 | held-office | 1682/6/26康熙壬戌年五月戊辰 |
吳正治 | held-office | 1682/11/14康熙壬戌年十月己丑 |
宋德宜 | held-office | 1684/8/21康熙甲子年七月乙亥 |
余國柱 | held-office | 1687/3/18康熙丁卯年二月甲寅 |
李之芳 | held-office | 1687/10/12康熙丁卯年九月壬午 |
梁清標 | held-office | 1688/3/12康熙戊辰年二月甲寅 |
伊桑阿 | held-office | 1688/3/12康熙戊辰年二月甲寅 |
徐元文 | held-office | 1689/6/26康熙己巳年五月乙巳 |
李天馥 | held-office | 1692/11/12康熙壬申年十月庚辰 |
吳琠 | held-office | 1698/8/6康熙戊寅年七月癸酉 |
張英 | held-office | 1700/2/16康熙己卯年十一月壬辰 |
席哈納 | held-office | 1702/11/10康熙壬午年九月己巳 |
陳廷敬 | held-office | 1703/6/5康熙癸未年四月丙申 |
王頊齡 | held-office | 1718/11/3康熙戊戌年九月丙戌 |
溫達 | held-office | 1720/2/26康熙己亥年十二月丙戌 |
富寧安 | held-office | 1723/1/19康熙六十一年十二月甲子 |
張鵬翮 | held-office | 1723/3/8雍正癸卯年二月壬子 |
徐元夢 | held-office | 1723/6/21雍正癸卯年五月丁酉 |
田從典 | held-office | 1725/6/4雍正乙巳年四月辛卯 |
高其位 | held-office | 1725/9/3雍正乙巳年七月壬戌 |
張廷玉 | held-office | 1725/9/3雍正乙巳年七月壬戌 |
張廷玉 | held-office | 1726/3/30雍正丙午年二月庚寅 |
蔣廷錫 | held-office | 1728/4/15雍正戊申年三月丁巳 |
馬爾賽 | held-office | 1728/9/10雍正戊申年八月乙酉 |
鄂爾泰 | held-office | 1732/2/19雍正壬子年正月壬午 |
嵇曾筠 | held-office | 1733/5/17雍正癸丑年四月乙卯 |
查郎阿 | held-office | 1735/9/10雍正乙卯年七月辛酉 |
史貽直 | held-office | 1744/2/15乾隆九年正月辛巳 |
高斌 | held-office | 1749/2/4乾隆十三年十二月丁酉 |
楊應琚 | held-office | 1764/7/29乾隆二十九年七月辛亥 |
董誥 | held-office | 1796/11/6嘉慶丙辰年十月己卯 |
劉墉 | held-office | 1797/4/19嘉慶丁巳年三月癸亥 |
蘇凌阿 | held-office | 1797/11/6嘉慶丁巳年九月甲申 |
慶桂 | held-office | 1799/4/5嘉慶己未年三月己未 |
董誥 | held-office | 1799/6/29嘉慶己未年五月甲申 |
朱珪 | held-office | 1805/2/25嘉慶乙丑年正月辛亥 |
祿康 | held-office | 1806/12/26嘉慶丙寅年十一月庚申 |
費淳 | held-office | 1807/2/7 - 1808/1/27嘉慶十二年 |
戴衢亨 | held-office | 1810/6/11嘉慶庚午年五月癸亥 |
祿康 | held-office | 1810/6/11嘉慶庚午年五月癸亥 |
劉權之 | held-office | 1811/6/24嘉慶辛未年五月辛巳 |
勒保 | held-office | 1811/7/26嘉慶辛未年六月癸丑 |
曹振鏞 | held-office | 1813/10/13嘉慶癸酉年九月癸未 |
松筠 | held-office | 1813/10/13嘉慶癸酉年九月癸未 |
托津 | held-office | 1814/9/26嘉慶甲戌年八月辛未 |
明亮 | held-office | 1817/7/14 - 1817/8/12嘉慶丁丑年六月 |
章煦 | held-office | 1818/4/17嘉慶戊寅年三月庚戌 |
戴均元 | held-office | 1820/3/30嘉慶庚辰年二月癸卯 |
伯麟 | held-office | 1821/6/8道光元年四月戊午 |
長齡 | held-office | 1822/8/12道光二年六月戊辰 |
孫玉庭 | held-office | 1824/9/9道光四年閏七月丁未 |
盧蔭溥 | held-office | 1830/11/7道光十年九月丁丑 |
文孚 | held-office | 1834/12/25道光十四年十一月丙戌 |
琦善 | held-office | 1838/2/24道光十八年二月癸卯 |
寶興 | held-office | 1841/3/5道光二十一年二月戊辰 |
耆英 | held-office | 1848/12/4道光二十八年十一月己卯 |
賽尚阿 | held-office | 1851/2/1咸豐辛亥年正月戊子 |
裕誠 | held-office | 1852/2/23咸豐壬子年正月乙卯 |
訥爾經額 | held-office | 1852/10/16咸豐壬子年九月辛亥 |
葉名琛 | held-office | 1853/2/7咸豐壬子年十二月乙巳 |
文慶 | held-office | 1853/2/7咸豐壬子年十二月乙巳 |
翁心存 | held-office | 1858/10/16咸豐戊午年九月壬午 |
柏葰 | held-office | 1858/10/16咸豐戊午年九月壬午 |
周祖培 | held-office | 1861/2/5咸豐庚申年十二月乙酉 |
官文 | held-office | 1861/2/5咸豐庚申年十二月乙酉 |
倭仁 | held-office | 1862/10/9同治壬戌年閏八月丙申 |
曾國藩 | held-office | 1867/6/10同治丁卯年五月辛酉 |
朱鳳標 | held-office | 1868/4/19同治戊辰年三月乙亥 |
瑞麟 | held-office | 1871/8/2同治辛未年六月乙亥 |
李鴻章 | held-office | 1872/6/22同治壬申年五月庚子 |
文祥 | held-office | 1872/8/15同治壬申年六月甲午 |
單懋謙 | held-office | 1872/10/1同治壬申年八月辛巳 |
左宗棠 | held-office | 1874/8/23同治甲戌年七月壬子 |
弘文院大學士 | kind-of |
Text | Count |
南明野史 | 22 |
清史稿 | 1078 |
鴉片事略 | 7 |
弘光實錄鈔 | 1 |
曾文正公年譜 | 8 |
欽定平定台灣紀略 | 3 |
新唐書 | 3 |
三藩紀事本末 | 18 |
御製詩初集 | 12 |
清史紀事本末 | 130 |
晚晴簃詩匯 | 1 |
行在陽秋 | 43 |
治臺必告錄 | 1 |
明史 | 300 |
全唐詩話 | 3 |
庚子國變記 | 10 |
舊唐書 | 2 |
永歷實錄 | 24 |
清稗類鈔 | 94 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 155 |
小腆紀傳 | 110 |
資治通鑑 | 1 |
舊五代史 | 1 |
防海紀略 | 4 |
菽園雜記 | 1 |
臺灣鄭氏始末 | 3 |
清實錄雍正朝實錄 | 28 |
元史 | 7 |
平定三逆方略 | 5 |
明史紀事本末 | 17 |
甲申傳信錄 | 4 |
海東逸史 | 5 |
廿二史劄記 | 12 |
千頃堂書目 | 15 |
宋史 | 19 |
崇禎實錄 | 13 |
小腆紀年 | 105 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 18 |
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