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-> 武庚

武庚[View] [Edit] [History]

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Wu Geng or Wugeng (Chinese: 武庚 Wǔgēng) was an ancient Chinese noble who was the son of Zhou, the last king of the Shang. After his father executed Bigan by cutting out his heart, Wugeng fled to Feng, the capital of the Zhou state, together with his uncles Weizi and Weizhong to plead King Wu of Zhou for help. Shortly afterward King Wu attacked the Shang and defeated King Zhou at the Battle of Muye, thus establishing the Zhou dynasty. Wugeng was allowed to stay in Yin, the old Shang capital, and rule it as a princedom and a vassal lord to King Wu.

After King Wu's death and the ascension of his young son Cheng, Wugeng joined the failed rebellion of the Three Guards against the regent Duke of Zhou. He in turn was joined by the "Eastern Barbarian" states of Yan, Pugu, and Xu. In the second year of the war, Wugeng was killed in battle and Yin was devastated, ending the Shang princedom.

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武庚(? - ?),史記中又稱作祿父,父親為紂王,後母為妲己,商代滅亡後,受封於殷地,周武王死後,聯合周朝宗室「三監」反抗周公,是為三監之亂,被周公東征打敗,史載有「武庚被殺」和「王子祿父北奔」兩種說法。


Read more...: 概要   青銅器銘文記載   武庚北奔  

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