Taiping Guangji (太平廣記), sometimes translated as the
Extensive Records of the Taiping Era, or
Extensive Records of the Taiping Xinguo Period, is a collection of stories compiled in the early
Song dynasty under imperial direction by
Li Fang. The work was completed in 978 and printing blocks were cut but it was prevented from publication on the grounds that it contained only
xiaoshuo (fiction or "insignificant tellings") and thus "was of no use to young students." It survived in manuscript until it was published in the
Ming dynasty. It is considered one of the
Four Great Books of Song. The title refers to the Taiping Xinguo era (太平興國, "great-peace rejuvenate-nation", AD 976–984), the first years of the reign of
Emperor Taizong of Song.
The collection is divided into 500 volumes (卷) and consists of about 3 million Chinese characters. It includes about seven thousand stories selected from over three hundred books and novels from the Han dynasty to the early Song dynasty, many of which have been lost. Some stories are historical or naturalistic anecdotes, each is replete with historical elements, and were not regarded by their authors as fiction, but the topics are mostly supernatural, about Buddhist and Taoist priests, immortals, ghosts, and various deities. They include a number of Tang dynasty stories, especially chuanqi (tales of wonder), that are famous works of literature in their own right, and also inspired later works.
Pu Songling was said to have been inspired by Taiping Guangji; the short story "A Sequel to the Yellow Millet Dream" parallels one of Taiping stories.
Read more...: Famous stories Translations
Famous stories
• The Tale of Li Wa by Bai Xingjian
• Huo Xiaoyu's Story by Jiang Fang — this story has been translated by Stephen Owen to English in Anthology of Chinese Literature, Beginnings to 1911 (1996)
• The Tale of Liu Yi translated as The Dragon King's Daughter by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang.
Several collections of translated Taiping Guangji stories were published in English and other western languages, but the text was never fully translated into those languages. The Taiping Guangji translations tracking page in Wikipedia shows that about 125 English translations were made for Taiping Guangji stories so far, making less than 2% of the total number of Taiping Guangji stories.
Three full translations into modern Chinese were published so far:
• By Zhou Zhenfu (Editor, 周振甫) in 1993.
• By Ding Yucheng, Wang Shi and Yu Qinghua (丁玉琤,王石,于清华) in 1995.
• By Shi Ming (石鸣) in 2007.
What seems to be a Google Translate machine translation into English of the Shi Ming Chinese translation was published as a soft-copy in 2019.
Stories out of Taiping Guangji are still being actively translated into English, Hebrew and modern Chinese, and are published in several blogs on a regular basis. There is also a Taiping Guangji Translations tracking page in the Hebrew Wikipedia, linking to all English and Hebrew story translations available on the web.
The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the
original article.
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• 胡應麟曾言:「《文苑》之蕪冗,《廣記》之怪誕,皆藝林所厭薄,而不知其有助於載籍者不鮮也。非《御覽》西京以迄六代諸史乘煨燼矣。非《英華》,典午以迄三唐諸文賦煙埃矣。非《廣記》汲塚以迄,五朝諸小說烏有矣。所錄本書,今十九不存,間存者往往賴此而完帙僅半,余恍忽睹其名耳。宋人雜說單行,本朝垂百數種,舍此遂無可別稽。故是編雖蕪冗,世莫得而廢也。……《廣記》之臚列詳明,紀例精密,灼然必傳,又當議於二典之外者也。」
• 魯迅所輯《古小說鉤沉》和《唐宋傳奇集》,多取材於此書。他在《破〈唐人說薈〉》一文中指出:「我以為《太平廣記》的好處有二,一是從六朝到宋初的小說幾乎全收在內,倘若大略的研究,即可以不必別買許多書。二是精怪,鬼神,和尚,道士,一類一類的分得很清楚,聚得很多,可以使我們看到厭而又厭,對于現在談狐鬼的《太平廣記》的子孫,再沒有拜讀的勇氣。」
• 葉慶炳認為《太平廣記》引用他書文字,每任意刪節修正,而有三條則和《新唐書》一字不差,其非屬廣記原有,「周迪妻」、「封景文」、「高彥昭女」均在「十一人」之中。此三條蓋談愷據新唐書妄補,並非廣曰。
• 據說徐鉉想把自己的作品《稽神錄》收進去,不敢自主,托人徵求李昉同意。倒是李昉很大方地說:「詎有徐率更言無稽者?中採無疑也。」,于是「此錄遂得見收」。
• 元好問〈劉景玄墓銘〉文中曾提到,劉景玄半個月就把整套《太平廣記》背誦無誤:「泰和中,予初識景玄于太原,人有為予言是家讀《廣記》半月而初無所遺忘者,予未之許也。」
• 嚴一萍:《太平廣記校勘記》
• 盧錦堂:《太平廣記引書考》
• 鄧嗣禹:《太平廣記引得序》
• 張國風:《太平廣記版本考述》
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original article.