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-> 祖乙

祖乙[View] [Edit] [History]

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Zu Yi, personal name Zǐ Téng, was a Shang dynasty King of China.

In the Records of the Grand Historian he was listed by Sima Qian as the thirteenth Shang king, succeeding his Father He Dan Jia (河亶甲). He was enthroned in the year of Jisi (己巳) with Xiang (相) as his capital. In the first year of his reign he moved his capital to Geng (耿) where he held a ceremony and wrote the article of Zuyi. The following year he moved his capital again, this time to Bi (庇) where six years later his palace was completed. During his reign the Shang became stronger than ever thanks to some fine appointments including Wuxian (巫贤) as his prime minister in the third year of his reign and Gaoyu (高圉) as his vassal in the fifteenth year of his reign. He ruled for about 19 years before his death. He was given the posthumous name Zu Yi and was succeeded by his son Zu Xin (祖辛).

Oracle script inscriptions on bones unearthed at Yinxu alternatively record that he was the twelfth Shang king succeeding his brother Jian Jia (戔甲) and given the posthumous name Xia Yi (下乙).

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祖乙(? - ?),又稱且乙(「且」是「祖」的本字,實為同一字),姓,名(一作),商朝第十四任君主,《史記·殷本紀》稱他為河亶甲之子,但甲骨文記載他是仲丁之子。他在位時商朝再度興盛。《太平御覽》引《史記》稱他在位十九年。《今本竹書紀年》稱祖乙在位期間,將國都由相遷至耿,後又遷都於庇。

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