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Data wiki -> 崇禎
崇禎[View] [Edit] [History]ctext:964437
Relation | Target | Textual basis |
type | era | |
name | 崇禎 | default |
name | 숭정 | |
authority-wikidata | Q833637 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 崇祯 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Chongzhen | |
ruler | person:明思宗 | |
from-date 崇禎元年正月癸亥 1628/2/5 | ||
to-date 崇禎十七年三月丁未 1644/4/25 | ||
from-date | 崇禎元年正月癸亥 1628/2/5 | |
to-date | 崇禎年十一月壬子 1895/12/31 |
Chongzhen (崇禎 Chóngzhēn, literally honorable and auspicious) (5 February 1628 – 25 April 1644) was the era name of the Chongzhen Emperor, the last emperor of the Ming dynasty of China. Chongzhen was also the Ming dynasty's final era name.
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The text above has been excerpted automatically from Wikipedia - please correct any errors in the original article.
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Text | Count |
南明野史 | 3 |
清史稿 | 77 |
弘光實錄鈔 | 1 |
三藩紀事本末 | 5 |
清史紀事本末 | 7 |
萇楚齋四筆 | 1 |
晚晴簃詩匯 | 58 |
福州府志乾隆本 | 84 |
行在陽秋 | 1 |
西南紀事 | 1 |
春冰室野乘 | 1 |
明史 | 669 |
萇楚齋續筆 | 1 |
永歷實錄 | 7 |
清稗類鈔 | 5 |
保德州志 | 22 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 335 |
小腆紀傳 | 147 |
明季北略 | 2 |
東瀛識略 | 2 |
琉球國志略 | 2 |
皇清書史 | 49 |
明儒言行錄 | 2 |
臺灣鄭氏始末 | 1 |
蜀碧 | 4 |
國朝畫徵錄 | 1 |
海寇記 | 1 |
明史紀事本末 | 7 |
海東逸史 | 2 |
查東山先生年譜 | 10 |
台海使槎錄 | 1 |
廿二史劄記 | 9 |
千頃堂書目 | 115 |
崇禎實錄 | 1 |
小腆紀年 | 118 |
崇禎遺錄 | 1 |
海國圖志 | 3 |
明季實錄 | 2 |
臨安旬制紀 | 1 |
魯春秋 | 3 |
明季實錄 | 2 |
清皇室四譜 | 2 |
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