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-> 劉芳

劉芳[View] [Edit] [History]

See also: 劉芳 (ctext:584433) 劉芳 (ctext:777249) 劉芳 (ctext:725209) 劉芳 (ctext:1101163) 劉芳 (ctext:4264672) 劉芳 (ctext:5610028)

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Liu Fang (劉芳) (fl. c. early 4th century CE) was an empress of the Xiongnu-led Han-Zhao dynasty of China. She was Liu Yao's third empress. It was likely that she was ethnically Han, because if she were Xiongnu, Liu Yao would not likely have married her due to the prohibition against endogamy given that they had the same family name.

Liu Fang was the cousin of Liu Yao's second empress, also named Liu. When the older Empress Liu neared her death in 326, she recommended Liu Fang to Liu Yao as his next empress, praising her as beautiful and virtuous. After her death, Liu Yao married Liu Fang and created her empress. Nothing further is said about her in historical records, and it is not known whether she survived to, or survived, Han-Zhao's destruction by the Later Zhao in 329.

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劉芳(? - ?),十六國之前趙皇帝劉曜的第三任皇后。她是劉曜的第二任皇后的堂妹,光初九年(326年),她堂姐去世時,說自己叔父劉皚的女兒劉芳美麗而且正直,希望劉曜能立她為后。劉皇后死後,劉曜就立劉芳為皇后。之後史書不載劉芳之事,光初十二年(329年),前趙滅亡,劉芳在此時生死不詳。

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