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-> 晉哀公

晉哀公[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 晉哀公元年
    to-date 晉哀公十八年
Duke Jing of Jin (晉敬公 Jìn Jìng Gōng, died 434 BC) was from 451 to 434 BC the titular ruler of the State of Jin. His ancestral name was Ji, given name Jiao, and Duke Jing was his posthumous title recorded in the Bamboo Annals. The accounts by the Han Dynasty historian Sima Qian in the Records of the Grand Historian are self-contradictory, referring to Duke Jing as Duke Ai of Jin (晉哀公) in one chapter and Duke Yi of Jin (晉懿公) in another. Modern historians such as Yang Kuan, Ch'ien Mu, and Han Zhaoqi generally consider the Bamboo Annals more reliable, as it was unearthed from the tomb of King Xiang (died 296 BC) of the State of Wei, one of the three successor states of Jin.

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晉哀公(? - 前434年)(《史記·晉世家》作哀公,《世本》、《史記·趙世家》作懿公,《竹書紀年》作敬公),姓,名晉昭公的曾孫。晉昭公生戴子雍,戴子雍生忌,忌生晉哀公。前453年,韓、趙、魏共滅智伯瑤,三分其地,並於次年趕走晉出公,立晉哀公。晉國實際上已被三家瓜分,韓、趙、魏掌權。前434年,晉哀公死。

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