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-> 周武王

周武王[View] [Edit] [History]

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name史記·卷4 周本紀第四》:太子發立,是為武王。
fatherperson:周文王史記·卷4 周本紀第四》:太子發立,是為武王。
    from-date 周武王元年
    to-date 周武王四年
King Wu of Zhou (周武王 Zhōu Wǔ Wáng) was the first king of the Zhou dynasty of ancient China. The chronology of his reign is disputed but is generally thought to have begun around 1046 BC and ended three years later in 1043 BC.

King Wu's ancestral name was Ji (姬) and given name Fa (發). He was the second son of King Wen of Zhou and Queen Taisi. In most accounts, his older brother Bo Yikao was said to have predeceased his father, typically at the hands of King Zhou, the last king of the Shang dynasty; in the Book of Rites, however, it is assumed that his inheritance represented an older tradition among the Zhou of passing over the eldest son. (Fa's grandfather Jili had likewise inherited Zhou despite two older brothers.)

Upon his succession, Fa worked with his father-in-law Jiang Ziya to accomplish an unfinished task: overthrowing the Shang dynasty. In 1048 BC, Fa marched down the Yellow River to the Mengjin ford and met with more than 800 dukes. He constructed an ancestral tablet naming his father Chang King Wen and placed it on a chariot in the middle of the host; considering the timing unpropitious, though, he did not yet attack Shang. In 1046 BC, King Wu took advantage of Shang disunity to launch an attack along with many neighboring dukes. The Battle of Muye destroyed Shang's forces and King Zhou of Shang set his palace on fire, dying within.

King Wu the name means "Martial" followed his victory by establishing many feudal states under his 16 younger brothers and clans allied by marriage, but his death three years later provoked several rebellions against his young heir King Cheng and the regent Duke of Zhou, even from three of his brothers.

A burial mound in Zhouling town, Xianyang, Shaanxi was once thought to be King Wu's tomb. It was fitted with a headstone bearing Wu's name in the Qing dynasty. Modern archeology has since concluded that the tomb is not old enough to be from the Zhou dynasty, and is more likely to be that of a Han dynasty royal. The true location of King Wu's tomb remains unknown, but is likely to be in the Xianyang-Xi'an area.

Wu is considered one of the great heroes of China, together with Yellow Emperor and Yu the Great.

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周武王(前1076 - 前1043),姓,周氏名,諡,日名為珷帝日丁。西周創建者,第一代天子,青銅器銘文,是西伯昌與太姒的嫡次子。其正妻為邑姜。夏商周斷代工程斷代其在位時間為前1046年至前1043年,《劍橋中國史》推測其在位時間約為前1049年至前1043年。傳統上,周武王同、禹、湯和周文王一向為後世儒家人物所尊崇的先秦明君。周武王滅商伐紂後,商遺民的勢力仍然強大,東面又散居著多個部落,地處西方的周難以直接控制他們,於是實行封建制度。

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