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-> 朝鮮睿宗

朝鮮睿宗[View] [Edit] [History]

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    from-date 朝鮮睿宗元年正月丙辰
    to-date 朝鮮睿宗元年十二月己卯
Yejong of Joseon (12 February 1450 – 31 December 1469) was the 8th king of the Joseon Dynasty Korea. He succeeded his father, King Sejo, in 1468, when he was 18 years old (19 according to the Korean system), but was too physically ill to govern, and died a year later.

One of the most prominent incidents during his reign was the trial and death of General Nam I (남이 장군, 南怡), who was famous for having suppressed Yi Si-ae's rebellion along with General Gang Sun. At the age of 28, Nam I was appointed as Minister of War. However, when Yejong became King, Ryu Ja-gwang (유자광, 柳子光), who was jealous of Nam I, accused him of treason when he found out that the King himself was not fond of the general. Ryu also involved Gang Sun (강순, 康純) and initiated a trial witnessed by Yejong. They were found guilty and executed, while Ryu Ja-gwang was promoted to a high office. After this incident, there were many cases of Ryu accusing ministers who were apparently more prestigious than himself.

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朝鮮睿宗(;1450年 - 1469年)是朝鮮王朝的第8代君主,1468年至1469年在位。姓,名(),字平甫,廟號睿宗,諡號襄悼欽文聖武懿仁昭孝大王,葬於高陽昌陵。

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