中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基 |
齊民要術[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:138315
The text of the book is divided into ten volumes and 92 chapters, and records 1500-year-old Chinese agronomy, horticulture, afforestation, sericulture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, breeding, brewing, cooking, storage, as well as remedies for barren land. The book quoted nearly 200 ancient sources including the Yiwu Zhi. Important agricultural books such as Fàn shèng zhī shū (氾勝之書) and Sì mín yuè lìng (四民月令) from the Hàn and Jìn Dynasties are now lost, so future generations can only understand the operation of agriculture at the time from this book.
280 recipes are found in the text.
Since the publication of the book, historical Chinese governments have long attached great importance to it. Since the book spread overseas it has also often been considered a classic text to study changes in species. When Charles Darwin was researching the theory of evolution he made reference to an "Encyclopedia of Ancient China". It is said that the book he referenced was in fact Qí mín yào shù. The book's name "Qí mín yào shù" can be explained as "techniques by which common people make their livelihood", but can also be explained as "techniques to harness the people's livelihood".
文獻資料 | 引用次數 |
新唐書 | 1 |
清稗類鈔 | 1 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 8 |
文獻通考 | 1 |
直齋書錄解題 | 1 |
居易錄 | 1 |
古今說海 | 1 |
山西通志 | 1 |
宋史 | 1 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 1 |
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