中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基 |
數據維基 -> 西秦
西秦[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:276412
關係 | 對象 | 文獻依據 |
type | dynasty | |
name | 西秦 | default |
authority-wikidata | Q1668970 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 西秦 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Western_Qin |
The Western Qin (; 385–400, 409–431) was a state ruled by the Xianbei during the era of Sixteen Kingdoms in China. Note that the Western Qin is entirely distinct from the ancient Qin Dynasty, the Former Qin, and the Later Qin.
All rulers of the Western Qin declared themselves "wang", translatable as either "king" or "prince." They ruled the area that is now southwest part of Gansu province in Northwest China.
顯示更多...: Rulers of the Western Qin The family tree of Western Qin rulers
主題 | 關係 | from-date | to-date |
西秦烈祖 | ruled | 385/10/20建義元年九月乙巳 | 388/7/19建義四年五月戊子 |
西秦高祖 | ruled | 388/7/20太初元年六月己丑 | 412/9/21更始四年七月戊戌 |
西秦太祖 | ruled | 412/9/22永康元年八月己亥 | 428/5/29建宏九年四月丁卯 |
西秦後主 | ruled | 428/5/30永宏元年五月戊辰 | 431/2/27永宏四年正月辛亥 |
文獻資料 | 引用次數 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 1 |
十六國春秋 | 1 |
十六國春秋別傳 | 1 |
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