中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基 |
魏書[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:333884
See also: 魏書 (ctext:627094)
• 帝紀第一 - 序紀
• 帝紀第二 - 太祖道武帝
• 帝紀第三 - 太宗明元帝
• 帝紀第四上 - 世祖太武帝
• 帝紀第四下 - 世祖太武帝・恭宗景穆帝
• 帝紀第五 - 高宗文成帝
• 帝紀第六 - 顯祖獻文帝
• 帝紀第七上 - 高祖孝文帝
• 帝紀第七下 - 高祖孝文帝
• 帝紀第八 - 世宗宣武帝
• 帝紀第九 - 肅宗孝明帝
• 帝紀第十 - 敬宗孝莊帝
• 帝紀第十二 - 東魏孝靜帝
• 列傳第一 皇后 - 神元皇后竇氏・文帝皇后封氏・桓帝皇后祁氏・平文皇后王氏・昭成皇后慕容氏・獻明皇后賀氏・道武皇后慕容氏・道武宣穆皇后劉氏・明元昭哀皇后姚氏・明元密皇后杜氏・太武皇后赫連氏・太武敬哀皇后賀氏・景穆恭皇后鬱久閭氏・文成文明皇后馮氏・文成元皇后李氏・獻文思皇后李氏・孝文貞皇后林氏・孝文廢皇后馮氏・孝文幽皇后馮氏・孝文昭皇后高氏・宣武順皇后于氏・宣武皇后高氏・宣武靈皇后胡氏・孝明皇后胡氏・孝靜皇后高氏
• 列傳第二 神元平文諸帝子孫 - 上谷公紇羅・建德公嬰文・真定侯陸・武陵侯因・長樂王壽樂・望都公頽・曲陽侯素延・順陽公鬱・宜都王目辰・穆帝長子六修・吉陽男比幹・江夏公呂・高涼王孤・西河公敦・司徒石・武衛將軍謂・淮陵侯大頭・河間公齊・扶風公處真・文安公泥
• 列傳第三 昭成子孫 - 寔君・秦明王翰・常山王遵・陳留王虔・毗陵王順・遼西公意烈・窟咄
• 列傳第四 道武七王 - 清河王紹・陽平王熙・河南王曜・河間王修・長樂王處文・廣平王連・京兆王黎
• 列傳第五 明元六王 - 樂平王丕・安定王彌・樂安王範・永昌王健・建寧王崇・新興王俊
• 列傳第六 太武五王 - 晉王伏羅・東平王翰・臨淮王譚・廣陽王建・南安王余
• 列傳第七上 景穆十二王上 - 陽平王新成・京兆王子推・濟陰王小新成・汝陰王天賜・樂浪王萬壽・廣平王洛侯
• 列傳第七中 景穆十二王中 - 任城王雲
• 列傳第七下 景穆十二王下 - 南安王楨・城陽王長壽・章武王太洛・樂陵王胡兒・安定王休
• 列傳第八 文成五王 - 安樂王長樂・廣川王略・齊郡王簡・河間王若・安豊王猛
• 列傳第九上 獻文六王上 - 咸陽王禧・趙郡王幹・廣陵王羽・高陽王雍・北海王詳
• 列傳第九下 獻文六王下 - 彭城王勰
• 列傳第十 孝文五王 - 廢太子恂・京兆王愉・清河王懌・廣平王懷・汝南王悅
• 列傳第十一 - 衛操・莫含・劉庫仁
• 列傳第十三 - 長孫嵩・長孫道生
• 列傳第十四 - 長孫肥・尉古真
• 列傳第十五 - 穆崇
• 列傳第十六 - 和跋・奚牧・莫題・庾業延・賀狄幹・李慄・劉潔・古弼・張黎
• 列傳第十八 - 王建・安同・樓伏連・丘堆・娥清・劉尼・奚眷・車伊洛・宿石・來大千・周幾・豆代田・周觀・閭大肥・尉撥・陸真・呂洛拔
• 列傳第十九 - 于栗磾
• 列傳第二十一 - 宋隱・王憲・屈遵・張蒲・谷渾・公孫表・張濟・李先・賈彞・薛提
• 列傳第二十三 - 崔浩
• 列傳第二十四 - 李順
• 列傳第二十五 - 司馬休之・司馬楚之・司馬景之・司馬叔璠・司馬天助
• 列傳第二十七 - 李寶
• 列傳第二十八 - 陸俟
• 列傳第二十九 - 源賀
• 列傳第三十 - 薛辯・寇贊・酈范・韓秀・堯暄
• 列傳第三十二 - 羅結・伊馛・乙瑰・和其奴・苟頽・薛野䐗・宇文福・費于・孟威
• 列傳第三十三 - 韋閬・杜銓・裴駿・辛紹先・柳崇
• 列傳第三十四 - 竇瑾・許彥・李訢
• 列傳第三十五 - 盧玄
• 列傳第三十六 - 高允
• 列傳第三十七 - 李靈・崔鑒
• 列傳第四十 - 趙逸・胡方回・胡叟・宋繇・張湛・宗欽・段承根・闞駰・劉昞・趙柔・索敞・陰仲達
• 列傳第四十一 - 李孝伯・李沖
• 列傳第四十二 - 游雅・高閭
• 列傳第四十三 - 游明根・劉芳
• 列傳第四十四 - 鄭羲・崔辯
• 列傳第四十五 - 高祐・崔挺
• 列傳第四十六 - 楊播
• 列傳第四十八 - 韓麒麟・程駿
• 列傳第四十九 - 薛安都・畢眾敬・沈文秀・張讜・田益宗・孟表
• 列傳第五十 - 李彪・高道悅
• 列傳第五十一 - 王肅・宋弁
• 列傳第五十二 - 郭祚・張彞
• 列傳第五十三 - 邢巒・李平
• 列傳第五十四 - 李崇・崔亮
• 列傳第五十五 - 崔光
• 列傳第五十六 - 甄琛・高聰
• 列傳第五十八 - 劉藻・傅永・傅豎眼・李神
• 列傳第五十九 - 裴叔業・夏侯道遷・李元護・席法友・王世弼・江悅之・淳于誕・李苗
• 列傳第六十 - 陽尼・賈思伯・李叔虎・路恃慶・房亮・曹世表・潘永基・朱元旭
• 列傳第六十二 - 爾朱榮
• 列傳第六十四 - 盧同・張烈
• 列傳第六十六 - 孫紹・張普惠
• 列傳第六十七 - 成淹・范紹・劉桃符・劉道斌・董紹・馮元興・鹿悆・張熠
• 列傳第六十八 - 朱瑞・叱列延慶・斛斯椿・賈顯度・樊子鵠・賀拔勝・侯莫陳悅・侯淵
• 列傳第六十九 - 綦儁・山偉・劉仁之・宇文忠之
• 列傳第七十 - 李琰之・祖瑩・常景
• 列傳第七十一上 外戚上 - 賀訥・劉羅辰・姚黃眉・杜超・賀迷・閭毗・馮熙・李峻・李惠
• 列傳第七十二 儒林 - 梁越・盧醜・張偉・梁祚・平恆・陳奇・常爽・劉獻之・張吾貴・劉蘭・孫惠蔚・徐遵明・董徵・刁沖・盧景裕・李同軌・李業興
• 列傳第七十三 文苑 - 袁躍・裴敬憲・盧觀・封肅・邢臧・裴伯茂・邢昕・溫子昇
• 列傳第七十四 孝感 -
• 列傳第七十五 節義 -
• 列傳第七十六 良吏 -
• 列傳第七十七 酷吏 -
• 列傳第七十八 逸士 -
• 列傳第七十九 術藝 -
• 列傳第八十 列女 -
• 列傳第八十一 恩倖 -
• 列傳第八十二 閹官 -
• 列傳第八十三 - 匈奴劉聰・羯胡石勒・鉄弗劉虎・徒何慕容廆・臨渭氐苻健・羌姚萇・略陽氐呂光
• 列傳第八十四 - 僭晉司馬叡・賨李雄
• 列傳第八十七 - 私署涼州牧張寔・鮮卑乞伏國仁・鮮卑禿髮烏孤・私署涼王李暠・盧水胡沮渠蒙遜
• 列傳第八十八 - 高句麗・百濟・勿吉・失韋・豆莫婁・地豆于・庫莫奚・契丹・烏洛侯
• 列傳第八十九 - 氐・吐谷渾・宕昌羌・高昌・鄧至・蠻・獠
• 列傳第九十 西域 - 鄯善・于闐・車師・焉耆・龜茲・烏孫・疏勒・悅般・波斯・大月氏・安息・大秦國
• 列傳第九十一 - 蠕蠕・匈奴宇文莫槐・徒何段就六眷・高車
• 列傳第九十二 - 自序
• 前上十志啓
• 志第一 - 天象志一
• 志第二 - 天象志二
• 志第三 - 天象志三
• 志第四 - 天象志四
• 志第五 - 地形志上
• 志第六 - 地形志中
• 志第七 - 地形志下
• 志第八 - 律曆志上
• 志第九 - 律曆志下
• 志第十 - 禮志一
• 志第十一 - 禮志二
• 志第十二 - 禮志三
• 志第十三 - 禮志四
• 志第十四 - 樂志
• 志第十五 - 食貨志
• 志第十六 - 刑罰志
• 志第十七 - 靈徵志上
• 志第十八 - 靈徵志下
• 志第十九 - 官氏志
• 志第二十 - 釋老志:魏書首創,首次有史書記載佛道兩教的流傳及變革,尤其對於記載佛教發展十分詳實,可看作是一部中國佛教簡史。魏書首闢專篇記錄宗教,是其在歷史上的功勞。
顯示更多...: Origin and reception Content Annals (帝紀) Translations
Origin and reception
The Northern Wei dynasty was established in 386 by the Tuoba clan. The greatest accomplishment of the Northern Wei dynasty was the unification of Northern China in 439. An internal struggle resulted in a split which introduced the Eastern Wei and the Western Wei. The Eastern Wei dynasty was short lived. Established in 534, several military campaigns were fought to try and reunite east and west but each failed. In 550, the area was taken over by Gao Yang who founded his own dynasty which he names the Northern Qi. It is the history of these two dynasties that Wei Shou attempted to record.
In compiling the work, Wei Shou was criticized for showing partiality to ancestors of political allies and intentionally defamatory to or entirely ignoring ancestors of political enemies. Detractors of the work referred to the book as Hui Shu (穢書), nearly pronounced as 'Wei Shu', but meaning "Book of Filth". From a modern historical view point, the book had glaring problems, as it took glorification of the Northern Wei to an extreme, intentionally misstating history of her predecessor state Dai, which was a vassal of Western Jin, Later Zhao, Former Yan, and Former Qin, but which the book characterized as a powerful empire that those states were vassals of. It further characterized all other rival states as barbaric and made unsubstantiated accusations against their rulers. Further, it retroactively used the sinicized surnames introduced by Emperor Xiaowen of Northern Wei in 496 to apply to events long before, making it difficult for readers to know what the actual names of historical personages were. In addition, Wei Shou was criticized in that, as an official of the Eastern Wei and its successor state Northern Qi, he included the sole emperor of Eastern Wei, Emperor Xiaojing, among his imperial lists while intentionally omitting the three emperors from the rival state Western Wei after the division of the Northern Wei in 534. However, he was credited with harmonizing highly confusing and fragmented accounts of historical events from the state of Dai to the early period of Northern Wei and creating coherent accounts of events.
The content of the Book of Wei follows the format of previous standard histories. The first fifteen volumes are annals (紀) describing the lives and events of the emperors, with the first being a preface.
Annals (帝紀)
Volumes 13 through 104 are biographies beginning with Volume 13: Biographies of Empresses (皇后列傳) and ending with Volume 104: Author's Preface (自序). In his preface Wei Shou harmonizes the Xianbei cultural heritage with Han Chinese cultural heritage, arguing that the rise of the Northern Wei was mandated by Heaven and that the Xianbei people were descended from the Yellow Emperor. Descriptions of figures from the historic Korean kingdoms of Goguryeo, Baekje, and also Khitan and many other historic nationalities are included in volumes 95 through 103.
Wei Shou also includeds postitve descriptions of the dialog between Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism. For example, in volume 69 where the court official Pei Yanjun (裴延隽; d. 528) describes a knowledge of both Buddhism and Confucianism as being beneficial to social administration. The whole of Volume 114, "Treatise on Buddhism and Daoism" (釋老志), of the Book of Wei is also related to this topic. Volumes 105 through 114 are treatises (志).
The book originally contains 114 volumes, but by the Song Dynasty some volumes were already missing. Later editors reconstructed those volumes by taking material from the History of the Northern Dynasties dated to the 7th century.
Dien translates parts of volume 59, which describes the dispute between the Northern Wei and Liu Song at Pengcheng. Lee translates part of volume 111 describing the case of Liu Hui (劉輝), who committed adultery while married to Princess Lanling (蘭陵公主).
文獻資料 | 引用次數 |
四庫全書總目提要 | 1 |
資治通鑑 | 5 |
四庫全書簡明目錄 | 1 |
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