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帝辛[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:384750
關係 | 對象 | 文獻依據 |
type | person | |
name | 帝辛 | |
born | -1105 | |
died | -1046 | |
authority-wikidata | Q470072 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 帝辛 | |
link-wikipedia_en | King_Zhou_of_Shang |
顯示更多...: 生平 幼年 繼位 武王克殷 家族關係 家庭 考古研究 史書中對其暴虐事跡的記載 對暴虐記載的質疑 相關文物 後世創作 影視錯誤 電視劇 腳註
帝辛高大威猛,力大無窮,自幼聰敏過人、反應敏捷。《荀子·非相篇》說帝辛「長巨姣美,天下之傑也;筋力超勁,百人之敵也。」 《史記·殷本紀》也說「帝紂資辨捷疾,聞見甚敏,材力過人,手格猛獸」。
• 父親帝乙。
• 庶長兄:微子啟,因微子啟的母親地位低下,所以不能成為繼承人。一說微子啟、微仲、紂王「實則同母」,只是紂王為其母成為王后之後才出生。
• 庶次兄:微仲衍
• 叔父:比幹、箕子
• 王后:
• 妲己
• 後宮:
• 武庚之母、名字不明
• 九侯女
• 兒子:武庚
根據《左傳》等文獻以及殷墟甲骨文,帝辛征服了淮夷 ,派飛廉出使北方,對中國古代的統一與各族文化的交流和發展有過一定貢獻。《詩經·商頌·玄鳥》:「武王靡不勝。」《詩經·商頌·長發》:「武王載旆,有虔秉鉞。」經郭沫若等學者考証,這裡的「武王」是指帝辛,他在生前曾深受百姓的愛戴,是殷民心目中的「武王」。河南淇縣朝歌鎮有後人修建的紂王之墓,當地人民均以帝辛為榮。
• 《封神榜 (1990年)上海香港合拍電視劇》由達奇飾演
• 《封神榜中國電視公司》由蘇炳憲、萬鴻貴飾演
• 《封神榜 (2001年)無綫電視劇集》由鄭子誠飾演
• 《封神榜之鳳鳴岐山》由馬景濤飾演。
• 《封神榜之武王伐紂》由呂良偉飾演。
• 《封神英雄榜》、《封神英雄》由吳卓翰飾演。
• 《封神演義(2019年電視劇)》由 鄒兆龍 飾演
• 《夢回朝歌》由 保劍鋒 飾演。
• 《哪吒與楊戩》由 葉項明 飾演。
• 《封神之天啟》由 羅嘉良 飾演。
顯示更多...: Early reign Late reign Fall Mentions in literature and legend
Early reign
In the Records of the Grand Historian, Sima Qian wrote that Di Xin, in the early part of his reign, had abilities which surpassed those of the ordinary man, and was quick-witted and quick-tempered. According to legend, he was intelligent enough to win all of his arguments, and he was strong enough to hunt wild beasts with his bare hands. He was the younger brother of Zi Qi (子启) and Zi Yan (子衍) (later rulers of Zhou's vassal state Song) and father of Wu Geng. His father Di Yi had two brothers, Ji Zi and Bi Gan. Di Xin added to the territory of Shang by battling the tribes surrounding it, including the Dongyi to the east.
Late reign
A significant amount of information regarding Di Xin's life had been falsified by following dynasties. Thus many modern day historians believe that he was in fact reasonable and intelligent without several of the cruelties attributed to him. The following are accounts of him written in records published in the millennium following his death, during which many misconceptions surrounding him arose.
In his later years, Di Xin gave himself over to drinking, women and abandoned morals, preferring these to the proper governance of the country, and ignored almost all affairs of state. According to Sima Qian, he even hosted festive orgies where many people engaged in immoral things at the same time with his concubines and created songs with crude (erotic) lyrics and poor rhythm. In legends, he is depicted as having come under the influence of his wicked wife Daji, and committing all manner of evil and cruel deeds with her. In fictionalizations, including the novel Fengshen Yanyi, she was said to be possessed by a malevolent fox spirit.
One of the most famous forms of entertainment Zhou enjoyed was the "Alcohol Pool and Meat Forest". A large pool, big enough for several canoes, was constructed on the Palace grounds, with inner linings of polished oval shaped stones from the seashores. This allowed for the entire pool to be filled with alcohol. A small island was constructed in the middle of the pool, where trees were planted, which had branches made of roasted meat skewers hanging over the pool. This allowed Zhou and his friends and concubines to drift on canoes in the pool. When they thirsted, they reached down into the pool with their hands and drank the wine. When they hungered, they reached up with their hands to eat the roasted meat. This was considered one of the most famous examples of decadence and corruption of a ruler in Chinese history.
According to the Records of the Grand Historian, in order to please Daji, he created the "Punishment of burning flesh with a hot iron(炮格之刑)". One large hollow bronze cylinder was stuffed with burning charcoal and allowed to burn until red-hot, then prisoners were made to literally hug the cylinder, which resulted in a painful and unsightly death.
Zhou and Daji were known to get highly aroused after watching such torture. Victims ranged from ordinary people and prisoners to high government officials, such as Mei Bo.
In order to fund Zhou's heavy daily expenses, heavy taxes were implemented. The people suffered greatly, and lost all hope for the Shang dynasty. Zhou's brother Wei Zi tried to persuade him to change, but was rebuked. His uncle Bi Gan similarly remonstrated with him, but Di Xin had his heart ripped out so he could see what the heart of a sage looked like. When his other uncle Ji Zi heard this, he went to remonstrate with the kingly nephew and, feigning madness, was imprisoned.
When Zhou dynasty's army, led by Jiang Ziya, defeated the Shang dynasty at the Battle of Muye in 1046 BC, Di Xin gathered all his treasures around himself in the Palace, and then set fire to his palace and committed suicide.
The name "Zhou" actually appeared after the death of King Zhou, a posthumous name (although perhaps used furtively by his contemporaries). This name was a representation of his actions, both dishonorable and cold-hearted. King Zhou would go down in history as one of the worst examples of a corrupted king in China.
Mentions in literature and legend
Zhou is mentioned in the Confucian Analects (19 "子張"); and also in the Three Character Classic. Zhou is also one of the main subjects of Fengshen Yanyi (Investiture of the Gods) and its various derivations in popular media. Thus, Di Xin, also known as Zhou, has served as a (negative) exemplar of Confucian principles (presented as the wicked ruler who justifies regime change according to the Mandate of Heaven), as well as becoming an icon of popular culture. This makes for a biographically interesting figure, but one challenging a clear distinction between history, legend, and philosophical point-making.
In Fengshen Yanyi, Zhou visited the Goddess Nüwa's temple and offended the Goddess with his lustful comments towards her beauty. In response, Nüwa decided that the Shang dynasty should end and sent her three subordinates to become three beautiful women (including Daji) to bewitch Zhou. Under the influence of these women, Zhou becomes a ruthless king, losing the support of people and triggering his downfall. Until now, nobody knows most of his lifestyle from the reduced amount of artifacts found regarding to him.
According to the Fengshen Yanyi, Jiang Ziya recognized that King Zhou was a well-versed and well-trained individual who became an incapable ruler only because of having fallen victim to seduction. After his death, Jiang Ziya deified King Zhou as the Tianxi Xing (天喜星 "Star of Heavenly Happiness"). As the Tianxi Xing, he had the responsibility of managing the marriage affairs of humans.
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