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中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基
-> 神武王

神武王[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]

    from-date 神武王元年閏一月癸卯
    to-date 神武王元年七月辛丑
神武王(? - 839年);姓祐徴,是新羅國第四十五代君主,上大等金均貞之子,惠康太子金禮英之孫,元聖王曾孫,僖康王從弟,母真矯夫人朴氏。四月卽位,七月二十三日薨逝。諡神武。太子慶膺繼位。

顯示更多...: 后妃  

Sinmu of Silla (r. 839, died 839) (born Ujing) was the 45th monarch of the Korean kingdom of Silla. His reign was the briefest in the state's history, lasting only from the fourth to the seventh lunar month of 839.

Sinmu was the son of the Sangdaedeung Kim Gyunjeong (?–836), a descendant of King Wonseong (r. 785-798) and cousin to King Heungdok (r. 826–838). Upon the death of King Heungdok in 836 a succession struggle erupted between Kim Gyunjeong and his nephew, Kim Jeryung (?–838). Ujing and his follower, Kim Yang supported Gyunjeong, while Kim Myeong and Kim Rihong stood by Jeryung. Jeryung's party ultimately triumphed and Gyunjeong was killed. Kim Jeryung was then crowned as King Huigang in 836.

Yang escaped, but Ujing did not. Though being pardoned promptly by the new king, he soon became threatened by Myeong who became Sangdaedeung. So in 837, Ujing fled and entrusted himself with Jang Bogo in Cheonghaejin. However, a year later, Myeong fomented a revolt against King Huigang which killed several of the King's aides. Faced with defeat, King Huigang committed suicide. Kim Myeong then ascended the throne as King Minae. Kim Yang, who was then concealing himself on a mountain near the capital, heard the news and raised up an army to go to Cheonghaejin. He told Ujing of these events and persuaded him to have his revenge. Ujing asked Jang Bogo to help him to take advantage of the confusion of the country and to make himself a king. Jang Bogo agreed and had his friend Jeong Nyeon also follow Ujing. In 839, Ujing and his followers defeated King Minae's army at the battle of Daegu and quickly advanced upon the capital. All the king's aides then ran away leaving the king behind, so the king hid himself in a villa near the royal palace. Soldiers came into the palace and searched for the king. Finally, they found the king in the villa and killed him in spite of his pleas. Kim Rihong was also killed. Ujing then placed himself on the throne as King Sinmu.

He died three months later from disease and was buried on Mt. Jehyeong in the Silla capital of Gyeongju.

It is also said that Sinmu dreamed of seeing the dead Rihong shooting an arrow into him. Sinmu awoke with a start when the arrow hit him, but the wound remained real, becoming worse and worse, finally leading to his death.


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URI: https://data.ctext.org/entity/437074 [RDF]
