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中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基
-> 孝昭王

孝昭王[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]

    from-date 孝昭王元年八月癸亥
    to-date 孝昭王十一年七月乙未
孝昭王(687年 - 702年);姓理洪,一作理恭,是新羅第三十二代君主,神文王子,母神穆王后金氏(一吉飡金欽運之女)。六歲即位,在位十一年,諡孝昭,無嗣,弟聖德王繼位,葬孝昭王於望德寺東(今道只府東二十里)。

Hyoso (687–702) (r. 692–702) was the thirty-second monarch of Silla, a kingdom that flourished on the Korean peninsula from approximately 200 to 927 CE. He was the eldest son of King Sinmun and his second queen consort Sinmok 神穆. He reigned for a decade and died of illness in the Silla capital in the autumn of 702.

Hyoso's reign was characterized by a continuing trend towards centralization following Silla's unification of the peninsula. Like his father, Hyoso faced some opposition in the form of revolts by high-ranking members of the Silla aristocracy. In the summer of 700, for instance, the ichan (a high rank in Silla's strict bone rank system) Gyeong-yeong 慶永 was implicated in treasonous plots and executed. These machinations also apparently involved Silla's Chief Minister of State, who was removed from office.

Relations with Tang also saw improvement during Hyoso's reign following the diplomatic disintegration that followed in the wake of the wars of unification during the 660s and 670s and the foundering of the Tang-Silla alliance. Tribute relations were steadily maintained and Hyoso, as Sinmun before him, was "enfeoffed" by the Tang emperor as King of Silla.

A few citations in the record of King Hyoso in the 12th century Korean history Samguk Sagi also attest to steady diplomatic contact with Japan, and Japanese histories (notably the Shoku Nihongi) are reliable sources for confirming death dates of Silla's kings and queens during this period, as Japan would often hear of their deaths through diplomatic envoys.

King Hyoso died in 702. Because he had no son he was succeeded by his younger full brother who reigned as King Seongdeok.


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URI: https://data.ctext.org/entity/461654 [RDF]
