中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基 |
數據維基 -> authority-wikidata
authority-wikidata[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:588183
關係 | 對象 | 文獻依據 |
type | property | |
name | authority-wikidata | |
sourcetype | dynasty | |
sourcetype | person | |
sourcetype | era | |
sourcetype | place | |
sourcetype | celestial | |
sourcetype | work | |
sourcetype | event | |
sourcetype | office | |
targettype | string | |
sourcetype | organization | |
sourcetype | examstatus | |
label_en | Wikidata identifier | |
description_en | Identifier for an entity in the Wikidata project. |
List entities with this property
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