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前秦厲王[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:659452
顯示更多...: 生平 獨目雄將 三羊五眼 苻生暴政 殺戮大臣 殘命自若 誅除諫臣 宗室反叛 評論 后妃 相關人物 顧命八輔 三大親信 注釋
• 苻洪:「此兒狂悖勃,宜早除之,不然,長大必破人家。」
• 薛讚、權翼:「主上猜忍暴虐,中外離心。」
• 《晉書》史臣曰:「長生慘虐,稟自率由。睹辰象之災,謂法星之夜飲;忍生靈之命,疑猛獸之朝飢。但肆毒於刑殘,曾無心於戒懼。招亂速禍,不亦宜乎!」
• 《晉書》贊曰:「長生昏虐,敗不旋踵。」
• 梁皇后,顧命大臣梁安之女。永和十一年(前秦壽光元年,355年)秋初受封皇后,秋中因中書監胡文、中書令王魚向皇帝苻生諫奏應砥礪品德以化解天相變異所帶災難,秋末遭苻生下令斬殺以應天變。
• 段純
• 毛貴
• 梁楞
• 梁安
• 雷弱兒
• 王墮
• 辛牢
• 魚遵
• 趙韶
• 趙誨
• 董榮
顯示更多...: Before reign Reign Era name Personal information
Before reign
Pu Sheng was born to Pu Jiàn in 335, as his third son, by his wife, the later Empress Qiang. At that time, both Pu Jiàn and his father Pu Hong (蒲洪) were generals for Later Zhao. Pu Sheng was born blind in one eye (though some accounts said that he lost his eye to an eagle while trying to get eagles' eggs). Once, his grandfather Pu Hong teased him, "I heard that you, my blind boy, only shed tears from one eye; is that true?" Pu Sheng, in anger, stabbed his blind eye and exclaimed, "This is the other eye shedding tears!" Pu Hong, shocked at his reaction, whipped him and told him, "You are only deserving to be a slave!" Pu Sheng responded, "That is fine; I'll just be like Shi Le slave who became founding emperor of Later Zhao." Pu Hong became concerned at his behavior, which was also manifested by lack of discipline, and told Pu Jiàn that he should consider killing his son, lest his family be destroyed by him. Pu Jiàn considered it, but was dissuaded from it by his brother Pu Xiong (蒲雄) who told him that, "We should give this boy some time to grow and be mature." As Pu Sheng matured, he became known for his strength and ferocity in battle, as he was strong enough to battle wild beasts, and was skillful in horsemanship and use of weapons. After his father (who had by then changed the family name from Pu to Fu) established Former Qin in 351, he was created the Prince of Huainan.
In 354, when Jin's general Huan Wen launched a major attack against Former Qin, nearly destroying it, Fu Sheng was one of the generals whom Fu Jiàn commissioned to lead the army against Huan. Fu Sheng was personally successful in battles, single-handedly slaying tens of Jin's officers and soldiers and cutting down many enemy flags, but was not particularly successful as a commanding general. Eventually, Huan was forced to withdraw when his food supplies ran out, but Fu Sheng's older brother Fu Chang (苻萇) the Crown Prince, suffered an arrow wound during the campaign, and died in winter 354. Initially, his mother Empress Qiang wanted to create his younger brother, Fu Liu (苻柳) the Prince of Jin, crown prince, but Fu Jiàn, reading a prophecy that contained the phrase "three goats shall have five eyes," believed that the prophecy indicated that Fu Sheng should succeed him (because one of his eyes was blind), and therefore created Fu Sheng crown prince. After a failed coup by his cousin Fu Qing (苻菁) the Prince of Pingchang to take over in 355, Fu Sheng succeeded to the throne when his father died thereafter. He honored his mother Empress Qiang as empress dowager, and created his wife Princess Liang empress.
Fu Sheng almost immediately displayed his violent and cruel nature, however. Fu Jiàn's will commissioned a number of high-level officials to serve as Fu Sheng's assistants, but all of them (with the possible exception of his granduncle Fu An (苻安) the Prince of Wudu, who might or might not have been named in the will) perished rather quickly under his violent rule:
• Yu Zun (魚遵): executed in 357 along with his sons and grandsons after Fu Sheng dreamed of a large fish (yu (魚) in Chinese) eating calamus (pu (蒲) in Chinese),
• Lei Ruo'er (雷弱兒): executed in 355 along with his sons and grandsons after false accusations by Fu Sheng's associates Zhao Shao (趙韶) and Dong Rong (董榮),
• Mao Gui (毛貴), uncle of Fu Sheng's wife Empress Liang: executed in 355 along with Empress Liang, Liang An, and Liang Leng after astrologers prophesied that there would be a great funeral and high-level officials would be killed,
• Wang Duo (王墮): executed in 356 after offending Dong, who then advised Fu Jiàn that a high-level official needed to be executed in accordance with astrological signs,
• Liang Leng (梁楞): executed in 355, along with Empress Liang, Mao Gui, and Liang An,
• Liang An (梁安): executed in 355, along with Empress Liang, Mao Gui, and Liang Leng,
• Duan Chun (段純): executed in 355, the same day that Fu Jiàn became emperor, after Fu Sheng was offended at his suggestion that changing the era name in the middle of a year was improper,
• and Xin Lao (辛牢): killed in 356 by an arrow Fu Sheng launched during the middle of a feast after Fu Sheng became displeased that he, as the master of ceremony, was not getting everyone drunk.
Because Fu Sheng was blind in one eye and apparently apprehensive that people would be making fun at him or be contemptuous of him due to that disability, he ordered that words such as "missing," "lacking," "slanted," "less," and "without" to never be used. He was also engaged in heavy drinking, and he often either ignored officials' petitions altogether or made irrational decisions on them in the middle of his stupor, allowing his attendants to make random decisions on his behalf. He also carried out cruel punishment—in addition to frequent executions, he also liked to cruelly treat animals—including throwing them into boiling water or skinning them alive, which he sometimes applied to humans. In 356, when his uncle Qiang Ping (強平), Empress Dowager Qiang's brother, tried to correct his ways, he broke Qiang Ping's skull by hammering his skull, and then executed him, leading Empress Dowager Qiang to die in sorrow and fear.
Also in 356, Fu Sheng's brother Fu Liu the Prince of Jin was able to persuade the Former Liang regent Zhang Guan to have the young Former Liang ruler Zhang Xuanjing become a vassal.
In 357, the former Jin general Yao Xiang (姚襄), who, after rebelling against Jin in 354, had intended to establish his independent state, attacked former Qin's northern territory, and the former Qin generals Deng Qiang (鄧羌) and Fu Huangmei (苻黃眉) the Prince of Guangping fought back and captured and executed him. Fu Sheng, still respectful of Yao Xiang and his father Yao Yizhong (姚弋仲), whose casket Yao had carried with his army, buried both with honors. However, he not only did not reward Fu Huangmei but further insulted him, leading Fu Huangmei to plot an unsuccessful assassination attempt against him, resulting in Fu Huangmei's death.
Later in 357, Fu Sheng became suspicious of his cousins Fu Jiān the Prince of Donghai and Fu Fa (苻法) the Prince of Qinghe and considered killing them. His ladies in waiting leaked the news to Fu Jiān, who immediately led his private army to attack the palace. The imperial guards, who had already resented Fu Sheng's ferocity, defected to Fu Jiān. Fu Jiān captured Fu Sheng, who was still in a drunken stupor, and had him deposed, demoted to Prince of Yue and then executed by being dragged by a horse. Fu Jiān then took the throne.
Era name
• Shouguang (壽光 shòu guāng) 355–357
Personal information
• Father
• Fu Jiàn (Emperor Jingming)
• Mother
• Empress Qiang
• Wife
• Empress Liang (created and executed 355)
• Son
• Fu Kui (苻馗), Hereditary Prince of Yue
主題 | 關係 | from-date | to-date |
壽光 | ruler | 355/7/11壽光元年六月丙戌 | 357/7/2壽光三年五月戊子 |
文獻資料 | 引用次數 |
全上古三代秦漢三國六朝文 | 3 |
資治通鑑 | 2 |
晉書 | 56 |
魏書 | 1 |
冊府元龜 | 2 |
十六國春秋 | 2 |
十六國春秋別傳 | 5 |
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