中國哲學書電子化計劃 數據維基 |
數據維基 -> 前燕
前燕[查看正文] [修改] [查看歷史]ctext:830249
關係 | 對象 | 文獻依據 |
type | dynasty | |
name | 前燕 | default |
authority-wikidata | Q1472004 | |
link-wikipedia_zh | 前燕 | |
link-wikipedia_en | Former_Yan |
前燕(337年 - 370年)是十六國時代由鮮卑人首領慕容皝所建立的政權,至慕容儁正式稱帝建國,其國號為「燕」。其全盛時的統治地區包括冀州、兗州、青州、并州、豫州、徐州、幽州等部分。
顯示更多...: 歷史 前燕慕容氏的興起 穩定局面 前燕王朝的衰亡 前燕君主列表
The Former Yan (前燕 Qián Yān; 337–370) was a state ruled by the Xianbei during the era of Sixteen Kingdoms in China.
Initially, Murong Huang and his son Murong Jun claimed the Jin Dynasty (266–420)-created title "Prince of Yan," but subsequently, in 352, after seizing most of the former Later Zhao territory, Murong Jun would declare himself emperor, and after that point, the rulers of the Former Yan declared themselves "emperors".
顯示更多...: History Rulers of the Former Yan
主題 | 關係 | from-date | to-date |
前燕烈祖 | ruled | 352/2/2元璽元年正月辛卯 | 360/2/2光壽三年十二月癸酉 |
前燕幽帝 | ruled | 360/2/17建熙元年正月戊子 | 371/1/2建熙十一年十一月庚子 |
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