Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
暗 | 日+9 | 晻 | àn ㄢˋ | dark; obscure; in secret, covert | v2,p1526#06 | p.498#27 | p.645r3c01 |
磧 | 石+11 | 碛 | qì ㄑㄧˋ | sand and gravel; rocks exposed at low tide; to crush | v4,p2450#10 | p.835#38 | p.973r3c08 |
埋 | 土+7 | | mái mán ㄇㄞˊ ㄇㄢˊ | bury, secrete, conceal | v1,p0443#21 | p.229#28 | p.319r6c02 |
沙 | 水+4 | 砂 | shā shà suō ㄕㄚ ㄕㄚˋ ㄙㄨㄛ | sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated | v3,p1562#09 | p.611#21 | p.772r2c02 |
樹 | 木+12 | 𡬾 𣕒 𣚤 树 | shù ㄕㄨˋ | tree; plant; set up, establish | v2,p1287#04 | p.551#29 | p.720r2c01 |
沖 | 水+4 | 盅 冲 | chōng ㄔㄨㄥ | pour, infuse, steep; wash away | v3,p1565#03 | p.611#18 | p.771r6c02 |
飆 | 風+12 | 飙 | biāo ㄅㄧㄠ | whirlwind, stormy gale | v7,p4492#02 | p.1414#34 | p.1487r4c01 |
卷 | 卩+6 | 捲 | juàn quán ㄐㄩㄢˋ ㄑㄩㄢˊ | scroll; curl; make a comeback | v1,p0315#03 | p.159#23 | p.226r6c04 |
塞 | 土+10 | 塞 𡺶 | sāi sè sài ㄙㄞ ㄙㄜˋ ㄙㄞˋ | stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress | v1,p0475#01 | p.236#09 | p.326r5c02 |
蓬 | 艸+11 | | péng pèng ㄆㄥˊ ㄆㄥˋ | type of raspberry; fairyland | v5,p3267#08 | p.1052#14 | p.1162r5c03 |
方 | 方+0 | 𤙗 | fāng ㄈㄤ | Two boats in line. / Two boats travelling together. / Together, in a row. / Same, equivalent. / Comparison, metaphor. / Square. / Upright, honest. / Land, earth. / Vicinity, area around. / Place, area. / One side, one area. / Wooden board used for writing in ancient times. / (Medical) prescription. / Direction. / Convention. / Standard, rule. / The proper way. / Method, way. / Specialized techniques. / Occupy. / Disobey. / Preposition: just then. / Adverb: while. / Adverb: about to. / Adverb: just. / Criticism. | v3,p2172#01 | p.481#03 | p.619r4c01 |
| | | páng ㄆㄤˊ | Wide, universal. | | | |
隨 | 阜+13 | 𨼕 遀 追 随 | suí ㄙㄨㄟˊ | follow, listen to, submit; to accompany; subsequently, then | v6,p4156#17 | p.1361#04 | p.1434r1c01 |
膜 | 肉+11 | | mò mó ㄇㄛˋ ㄇㄛˊ | membrane; to kneel and worship | v3,p2100#13 | p.993#01 | p.1102r6c02 |
拜 | 手+5 | 拝 𣬊 𣬓 𢰛 𢴽 𡴬 | bài ㄅㄞˋ | do obeisance, bow, kowtow | v3,p1846#07 | p.427#02 | p.571r4c01 |
入 | 入+0 | | rù ㄖㄨˋ | Enter, go into. / Put in, bring in. / Pay, offer. / Income, gains. / Inside, within. | v1,p0102#01 | p.125#32 | p.141r1c03 |
歌 | 欠+10 | 可 哥 謌 | gē ㄍㄜ | song, lyrics; sing, chant; praise | v3,p2147#12 | p.571#07 | p.730r6c04 |
舞 | 舛+8 | 𦐀 | wǔ ㄨˇ | dance, posture, prance; brandish | v2,p0865#10 | p.1008#16 | p.1116r6c02 |
玉 | 玉+0 | 𤣪 | yù ㄩˋ | jade, precious stone, gem | v2,p1100#01 | p.726#04 | p.884r5c02 |
門 | 門+0 | 门 | mén ㄇㄣˊ | gate, door, entrance, opening | v7,p4281#01 | p.1329#53 | p.1403r4c05 |
中 | 丨+3 | 𠁧 𠁩 塚 | zhōng zhòng ㄓㄨㄥ ㄓㄨㄥˋ | central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain | v1,p0028#10 | p.79#03 | p.37r4c02 |