Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
好 | 女+3 | 𡥆 𡚽 𩐔 | hǎo ㄏㄠˇ | Attractive appearance. / Wonderful, beautiful. / Healthy, fit. / Excellent. / Harmonious. / Complete. / In order to. / Adverb: very. / Adverb: many or long. | v2,p1028#01 | p.255#11 | p.378r1c03 |
| | | hào ㄏㄠˋ | Like, find pleasing. / Hole in a piece of jade or a coin.. | | | |
讀 | 言+15 | 讀 读 | dú dòu ㄉㄨˊ ㄉㄡˋ | read, study; pronounce | v6,p4029#01 | p.1185#27 | p.1257r3c05 |
高 | 高+0 | 髙 | gāo gào ㄍㄠ ㄍㄠˋ | high, tall; lofty, elevated | v7,p4593#01 | p.1451#26 | p.1514r4c03 |
僧 | 人+12 | | sēng ㄙㄥ | Buddhist priest, monk; san of Sanskrit sangha | v1,p0222#01 | p.117#14 | p.126r3c01 |
傳 | 人+11 | 传 | chuán zhuàn ㄔㄨㄢˊ ㄓㄨㄢˋ | summon; propagate, transmit | v1,p0208#09 | p.114#23 | p.122r2c01 |
時 | 日+6 | 旹 时 | shí ㄕˊ | Season. / Unit of time equal to two hours. / [The passage of] time. / Time, times. / Age, period, epoch. / Occasion, opportune moment. / On time. / Then, at that time. / Always, constantly. / Same as 「」 sì ㄙˋ: Wait until, wait for (a chance). | v2,p1505#05 | p.494#22 | p.639r3c04 |
看 | 目+4 | | kàn kān ㄎㄢˋ ㄎㄢ | look, see; examine, scrutinize | v4,p2474#03 | p.803#07 | p.947r6c02 |
辟 | 辛+6 | 避 𠈳 𠊸 | pì pī bì mǐ ㄆㄧˋ ㄆㄧ ㄅㄧˋ ㄇㄧˇ | law, rule; open up, develop | v6,p4037#08 | p.1251#06 | p.1309r1c02 |
谷 | 谷+0 | 穀 | gǔ ㄍㄨˇ | Valley, gorge. / Bewildered, at a loss. | v6,p3902#01 | p.1189#01 | p.1259r6c04 |
| | | lù ㄌㄨˋ | See "谷蠡". | | | |
方 | 方+0 | 𤙗 | fāng ㄈㄤ | Two boats in line. / Two boats travelling together. / Together, in a row. / Same, equivalent. / Comparison, metaphor. / Square. / Upright, honest. / Land, earth. / Vicinity, area around. / Place, area. / One side, one area. / Wooden board used for writing in ancient times. / (Medical) prescription. / Direction. / Convention. / Standard, rule. / The proper way. / Method, way. / Specialized techniques. / Occupy. / Disobey. / Preposition: just then. / Adverb: while. / Adverb: about to. / Adverb: just. / Criticism. | v3,p2172#01 | p.481#03 | p.619r4c01 |
| | | páng ㄆㄤˊ | Wide, universal. | | | |
鳩 | 鳥+2 | 鸠 | jiū qiú zhì ㄐㄧㄡ ㄑㄧㄡˊ ㄓˋ | pigeon, dove; collect, assemble | v7,p4613#13 | p.1481#10 | p.1533r5c01 |
形 | 彡+4 | | xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ | Body, thing with form. / Human body. / Form, appearance. / Lay of the land. / Circumstances. / Condition, situation. / Form, create. / Exhibit, show. / Compare. / Mould, die. / Same as 「」 xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ: Law, rules of punishment. / Same as 「」 xíng ㄒㄧㄥˊ: Porcelain soup bowl. | v2,p0852#10 | p.363#06 | p.507r4c01 |
將 | 寸+8 | 𤕭 𢪇 将 畺 | jiāng ㄐㄧㄤ | Take. / Use. / Push forward. / Drive. / Help, support. / Help financially. / Advance, go forward. / Carry out, execute. / Follow. / Comply, submit. / Do, carry out. / Accompany, see off. / Transmit. / Express. / Offer (as a sacrifice). / Look after, raise. / Protect. / Strong, robust. / Long time. / Carry, lead. / Side, beside. / Will, about to. / Close to, almost. / How? / Preposition: with. / Connective: and, with. / Connective: or, otherwise. / Connective: if, supposing. / Particle used after a verb. / A kind of insect. | v4,p2375#10 | p.294#16 | p.434r1c03 |
| | | jiàng ㄐㄧㄤˋ | Command troops. / Military commander. / Appoint as military commander. | | | |
| | | qiāng ㄑㄧㄤ | Please, humbly request. / [Onomatopoeia] | | | |
| | | zāng ㄗㄤ | Female sheep. | | | |
刻 | 刀+6 | 𠞫 | kè ㄎㄜˋ | carve, engrave; quarter hour | v1,p0337#02 | p.139#14 | p.183r1c01 |
仗 | 人+3 | | zhàng ㄓㄤˋ | rely upon; protector; fight; war, weaponry | v1,p0113#02 | p.92#10 | p.85r3c01 |
龜 | 龜+0 | 𠃾 𠁴 𤕣 龟 | guī ㄍㄨㄟ | Tortoise. / Tortoiseshell used for divining. / Tortoiseshell used as currency. / Seal, stamp. / Hump on the back of an animal. / Starve. | v7,p4809#04 | p.1537#26 | p.1577r1c01 |
| | | jūn ㄐㄩㄣ | Chapping, breaking of the skin of the hands or feet due to cold or dryness. | | | |
| | | qiū ㄑㄧㄡ | See "龜兹". | | | |
殼 | 殳+8 | 㱿 壳 殻 | ké qiào ㄎㄜˊ ㄑㄧㄠˋ | casing, shell, husk, hull, skin | v3,p2160#07 | p.586#05 | p.744r2c02 |
用 | 用+0 | 𤰆 𠛁 | yòng ㄩㄥˋ | use, employ, apply, operate; use | v1,p0097#05 | p.755#24 | p.908r6c02 |
支 | 支+0 | 𠦙 𢺶 | zhī ㄓ | disperse, pay; support; branch | v2,p1327#14 | p.467#01 | p.598r4c03 |
床 | 广+4 | 牀 | chuáng ㄔㄨㄤˊ | bed, couch; framework, chassis | v2,p0873#20 | p.343#24 | p.487r1c03 |