Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
舊 | 臼+12 | 旧 | jiù ㄐㄧㄡˋ | old, ancient; former, past | v5,p3043#18 | p.1006#01 | p.1114r6c01 |
裏 | 衣+7 | 里 裏 裡 里 | lǐ ㄌㄧˇ | inside, interior, within | v5,p3091#06 | p.1117#04 | p.1213r5c02 |
趨 | 走+10 | 趍 趋 | qū cù qù cǒu ㄑㄩ ㄘㄨˋ ㄑㄩˋ ㄘㄡˇ | hasten, hurry; be attracted to | v5,p3497#03 | p.1219#30 | p.1287r3c03 |
庭 | 广+7 | | tíng tìng ㄊㄧㄥˊ ㄊㄧㄥˋ | courtyard; spacious hall or yard | v2,p0882#11 | p.346#21 | p.489r3c02 |
日 | 日+0 | 𡆸 | rì mì ㄖˋ ㄇㄧˋ | sun; day; daytime | v2,p1482#01 | p.489#01 | p.627r1c01 |
新 | 斤+9 | 𢀝 | xīn ㄒㄧㄣ | new, recent, fresh, modern | v3,p2026#21 | p.480#10 | p.615r6c01 |
年 | 干+3 | 秊 𠫺 | nián ㄋㄧㄢˊ | year; new-years; person's age | v1,p0037#06 | p.340#01 | p.483r6c01 |
置 | 网+8 | 寘 𦌃 𦌤 𦋽 𦋲 | zhì ㄓˋ | Release, pardon. / Give up, abandon. / Place, put. / Establish, put in place. / Buy, purchase. / A post, a stage. / Coach, carriage. | v4,p2919#02 | p.948#20 | p.1065r3c01 |
酒 | 酉+3 | | jiǔ ㄐㄧㄡˇ | wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage | v6,p3574#02 | p.1281#03 | p.1349r6c03 |
辰 | 辰+0 | 辰 𠩟 𠨷 𨑄 | chén ㄔㄣˊ | early morning; 5th terrestrial branch | v6,p3606#01 | p.1252#15 | p.1310r5c01 |
聞 | 耳+8 | 𦕁 䎽 䎹 𦖫 𥹢 闻 | wén ㄨㄣˊ | Hear. / Make hear. / Have heard, become aware of. / Knowledge, experience. / Rumour, saying. / Renowned, well-known. / Spread, disseminate. | v7,p4294#12 | p.968#11 | p.1084r3c01 |
| | | wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Reputation, fame. / Same as 「」 wèn ㄨㄣˋ: Inquire after, give regards to. | | | |
詩 | 言+6 | 𧥳 诗 | shī ㄕ | poetry; poem, verse, ode | v6,p3961#05 | p.1157#15 | p.1242r5c03 |
鸞 | 鳥+19 | 鸾 | luán ㄌㄨㄢˊ | fabulous bird | v7,p4672#12 | p.1505#01 | p.1546r5c01 |
渚 | 水+8 | 陼 | zhǔ ㄓㄨˇ | small sand bank, islet | v3,p1640#04 | p.633#41 | p.811r3c01 |
客 | 宀+6 | | kè ㄎㄜˋ | guest, traveller; customer | v2,p0927#13 | p.284#12 | p.416r4c04 |
獻 | 犬+16 | 献 | xiàn suō xī ㄒㄧㄢˋ ㄙㄨㄛ ㄒㄧ | offer, present; show, display | v2,p1376#09 | p.721#09 | p.881r2c03 |
賦 | 貝+8 | 赋 | fù ㄈㄨˋ | tax; give; endow; army; diffuse | v6,p3644#04 | p.1210#03 | p.1277r3c04 |
鳳 | 鳥+3 | 鳯 𠤈 𧱶 𪆍 鴌 凤 | fèng ㄈㄥˋ | male phoenix; symbol of joy | v7,p4616#05 | p.1482#13 | p.1534r2c01 |
樓 | 木+11 | 樓 楼 | lóu lǘ ㄌㄡˊ ㄌㄩˊ | building of two or more stories | v2,p1279#04 | p.549#31 | p.717r2c02 |
人 | 人+0 | 𠔽 亻 | rén ㄖㄣˊ | Man, person. / Others, other people. / The people, ordinary men. / Talent, material. / [A man's] character. / Affairs of men, world of man. / Benevolence. | v1,p0101#10 | p.91#01 | p.80r2c01 |